One pIece Maple


I just got a good deal out of Craigslist on this nice Warmoth Strat Neck.

I am wondering if it is recommended for One Piece Maple to be lacquered or sealed?

I'd Like to somehow darken the wood (if possible). I am thinking of using Minwax, if I cannot darken the wood. Should I sand it before I apply the Minwax?

I still have a can of Shellac from Zinser/Bullseye lying around somewhere, maybe I could use these?. ( I use to seal my table tennis/pingpong  blades using this shellac, but thats another story).
Warmoth maple necks require some form of "hard finish" or the warranty is voided; how dark do you want to make the neck, what color?
Theres probably no waranty on it now anyway.  sand it down, apply stain or dye to darken, then oil or clearcoat
I doubt if  there's a warranty on  this Neck, Darkish brown would be good. I'll try to sand it. Where do I get the dye or stain? is there a good brand I need to get to. should I sand the fingerboard too? and put tape to cover the frets when applying the dye?

man too many ???
Gun oil is a lubricant.  Gunstock oil is a finish for wood. <gggg>

Folks, if you want an oil finish, there is little to be wrong with PURE tung oil.  PURE tung oil is not the stuff they sell you at Home Depot.  That is really a urethane with "some oil" in it.  Linseed oil has proven to be not too well suited for instruments, but tung oil.. pure tung oil, what a joy to use, joy to smell, feels good to put on, feels good when you play on it... just a great finish.... EXCEPT its not a hard finish.  If I wanted to use oil, PURE tung oil would be it. 

However..... Walmart sells Deft.  Deft is lacquer.  It has flow out, anti blush, anti fisheye... all the good stuff added.  You use two coats as sanding sealer (if they dont have the sanding sealer available).  Level the sealer, then just got for buildup and let it sit for two weeks.  Level the final coat and buff (or dont buff for a satin finish).  I swear by Deft.  I've refinished a Gibson Les Paul Standard (faded) top with Deft.  I've done an entire SG with Deft.  I did an entire Les Paul BFG with Deft.  I did _another_ SG with Deft.  Deft delivers.  Period.
I saw today a One piece reeeeeeeeeal flames strat body, with cherry burst finish, if i'm not wrong... well, I went to showcase to put this baby here and, it wasn't there anymore... how much time it stay in the site?  :laughing7: