On a string hunt

TBurst Std

Hero Member
I know we mainly talk electrics, but for acoustics, I always seem to go on a string hunt to find the perfect set.

So anyways, a bit ago I traded and got a used Martin 000M. Loved the tone it had. No idea what strings where on it. I asked in case the shop knew and they didn’t.

Installed a LRBaggs Anthem in it which required a string change. Some Martin Authentic Acoustics went on it. Not in love with them. They don’t sound bad, they just don’t sound really good.

So a string hunt is on. I hope for success with D Addario Nickel Bronzes. Had success with those on a couple other hunts. They turned my Guild 12 from good to great.

If these don’t work, going to try some Pearse PBs.

Any other acoustic players here that go on string hunts to find that perfect string for that specific acoustic?
None of my acoustics are of high merit, but I have always liked Martin and Diaddario for them. (Iabanez Artwood Dreads etc.) I do also like Dean Markley acoustic strings. But heck, the strings might be the nicest part of all my acoustics! (3) lol
well, D'Addario has been Linda Manzer's goto for her acoustic guitars for decades. I've always had good luck with their sets.
Well I think I figured out what was on it originally. The now discontinued Martin SPs.
No one on AGF likes what Martin replaced them with so I’m not alone. I wouldn’t call them dead, but they are lifeless LOL.

I have a set of the Nickel Bronze in 10s and 11s. Will try the 10s first as Martin 12s on it now feel like 13s

And D Addarios are my go to’s for electric guitar.
Daddarios for me too, great ny company. Markleys are second. Also, once upon a time I got free strings, these were the best.
I play on stringjoy 80/20 bronze 11-52. Their sets are balanced tension so they feel and sound more consistent in volume. I also play with a 1.14m jazz iii pick or my fingers. I think the picking technique and pick makes a huge difference and needs to work in conjunction with your chosen strings. I find the thick jazz picks have a warmer sound which benefits from the brighter more overtone heavy sound of 80/20 bronze strings. Overall I would recommend the stringjoys. Been buying/using them for about two years now.
I've gone on an acoustic "string hunt" a few times, but when the dust settles I usually go back to Elixir Nanoweb Phosphor Bronze 12-53s. They have a nice, fulll/balanced sound (a little towards the warmer side) plus they last a long time and have lower string/sliding noise.
Yep those are a go to on Rosewood body acoustics for me. For Hog though, not so much. I think I have a spare set or 2 so may try those.
You tell me and we will both know. To focused right now on helping my wife's family, gigs, maintaining what instruments are ready to go, finding some land, work etc. Plus the urgency is backed off as I have another Tele available. Still want to get it done though. That remonds me, I need to email Marc Rutter again about the bridge. Never heard back from my email a few months ago.
Well the D'Addario Nickel Bronze 10s went on. Mucho improvement in tone. Not sure on 10s though as I now have a touch of fret buzz lower in the neck (relief related). And I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable laying into those 10s even if I adjusted the neck. NOt quite as much a woody tone as I desired, but not to many overtones.

Will try the 11s tomorrow, as well as order some D'Addario PB 11s.

From there, if I like the D PB 11s, I'll try some Pearse PB 11s. From there, I should understand what this guitar wants and brings out its qualities.
You tell me and we will both know. To focused right now on helping my wife's family, gigs, maintaining what instruments are ready to go, finding some land, work etc. Plus the urgency is backed off as I have another Tele available. Still want to get it done though. That remonds me, I need to email Marc Rutter again about the bridge. Never heard back from my email a few months ago.
Okey Dokey! Is someone feeling a bit edgy today and in need of a hug? Bring it in lil fella I got ya!🤡
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Unless on a 12 string acoustic (the gig tonight and Sat) Only set that will allow me to tune to concert pitch.
Quotes don’t seem to work from my phone. But 2 people suggested Elixers. That’s a go to on 1 of them. I’ll take a look to see if I have a PB set. (I use 80/20s on the guitar that runs Elixers).

My rule of thumb on acoustics is;
80/20 on rosewood bodies
PB on Hog bodies
Just got home and checked the string stash. Yep got some Elixer PB Nanowebs 11-52. On it now before I need to eat and get to a gig (different guitar. I try to NEVER use something untried before gig or even a rehearsal).
Elixer PBs 11s are on. Some better some, worst . Certainly 100% better than where I started the day LOL.

Have some D PB 11s and Pearse PB 1ss on the way. These Elixiers will work for now. Got back a bit of that woody tone.