the great thing about the Soloist that the Big W doesn't tell you on the web site or in the video is that you *are* allowed to play it with with other people. it's not against the law despite what you may have heard. I know the Jack Son soloists are neck-through whereas the Dinky is bolt-on, so I can #understand why ppl would be like "lol what" but Soloist is just a dope name. Dinky by itself is kinda lame plus they already have that Dinkycaster so no need to confuse people. anyway, ignore the "solo" part of the name and shred with friends.
My real question is this:
so, ages ago, I worked at McDonalds™, and we had these cards that we would give to customers when their order got messed up and they threw a tantrum (a 'Karen,' in today's parlance), which they could redeem for a free Big Mac. just recently, during my pre-spring cleaning cleaning, I found a box of strange coins. I remembered that in 2018 McD put them out ("Mac coins") as a marketing gimmick and my friend Todd, now a district manager for the company, gave me a bunch. 2018 was like the fiftieth (50th) anniversary of the Big Mac, I think
now, I'm far from an economics expert, but since our money has no value anymore since it was taken off the gold standard, and these coins from McDonalds are backed up by Big Macs, does that make them a more stable currency than our own money? Actually Big Macs cost more now than in 2018, so they have grown in value compared to what inflation and corporate predatory greed has done to my actual US dollars.
these showcase Soloists are all roughly $400-$450. the average big Mac price is $5.69. would Warmoth accept 80 MacCoins for 1 Soloist?