Well, my mind is overloaded with GAS.
1) my project jazz bass which will hopefully get a purpleheart/ebony neck with pearloid block inlays from showcase as a neck in easter
2) Having seen an indian rosewood with pearloid block inlays in the showcase with the lp headstock now tempted to do a indian rosewood body clear coated bass to go with it, possibly with a tremelo on it.OR
3) put the tremelo on some form of bass with a flame or quilt maple top with purple dye on it.
The choices :confused4:
Plus i still have my anime theme musicman iceman to get finalised and order,
And im sure theres many other ideas going round in my head.
Must note all of them down,
If i had the space,money, and need for them, im sure i could end up with 10ish basses easily.
Think i need help :sad:
Ex-sane person :icon_biggrin:
1) my project jazz bass which will hopefully get a purpleheart/ebony neck with pearloid block inlays from showcase as a neck in easter
2) Having seen an indian rosewood with pearloid block inlays in the showcase with the lp headstock now tempted to do a indian rosewood body clear coated bass to go with it, possibly with a tremelo on it.OR
3) put the tremelo on some form of bass with a flame or quilt maple top with purple dye on it.
The choices :confused4:
Plus i still have my anime theme musicman iceman to get finalised and order,
And im sure theres many other ideas going round in my head.
Must note all of them down,
If i had the space,money, and need for them, im sure i could end up with 10ish basses easily.
Think i need help :sad:
Ex-sane person :icon_biggrin: