


Hero Member
So, for anyone following along, (or who really cares for that matter...), my recent retirement has seen my return to the shooting range as a avocation rather than a vocation. To that end, I bought myself a Glock G19 as retirement present. I have come to love this pistol.

But, although Glock calls their design "Glock Perfection", perfection is somewhat subjective. There are some finer points of the design that I modified to my liking: New trigger, (adjustable and no serrations), stainless steel recoil rod, (original is plastic), polished Glock OEM firing pin safety plunger, (smooths out trigger pull without changing spring weights), and Glock OEM extended magazine catch and slide stop, (I couldn't easily reach the standard controls without changing my grip). And, speaking of grips, I also went with Hogue's new style grip sleeve. (TruGlo TFO sights were also replaced, because I moved the existing ones to the 22LR conversion kit to keep the same sight picture across platforms.) So my G19 now looks like this:

These modifications are relatively minor compared to what I've seen around. All springs remain at factory standard weights, which retains the trigger pull weight at the factory standard 5.5 lbs., and all safeties remain fully functional at factory specs. However, I did change the trigger to an "adjustable" model, and although the trigger bar, trigger spring, and connector, all remain Glock OEM parts, the ability to limit pre-travel and over-travel, means that the trigger pull could be set at an out of spec/unsafe condition. And, although the weapon is absolutely safe, and functional to factory standards, the adjustability of the trigger could prove to be a legal liability in the aftermath of a defensive shooting.

So here I sat, with a perfectly safe and functional weapon which I didn't want to carry. I could have put the factory trigger back in, but it's really comfortable to shoot, and the Lone Wolf trigger I installed cost me $85! Then it came to me like a revelation, apply some of the wonderful knowledge and logic I obtained right here, reading posts on this very forum, to my current situation: Keep it and build another! Or in this case, buy another! So here it is, my new CCW, the Glock G43X:

The frame is the same height as my G19, but shorter in length and thinner in width. The slide is the same as used on the G43 subcompact, and it boasts a capacity of 10 rounds as compared to the G43's capacity of only 6. These features, taken together, make for a very comfortable, very concealable pistol. It's actually very similar in size to my Walther PPK/S, (another hybrid design consisting of a PPK slide on a PP frame), but much lighter, with a larger capacity, and chambered for the more powerful 9mm Luger, instead of the .380ACP. And although some detractors may decry the magazine capacity being "only" 10 rounds, I live in the People's Republic of New York, which limits capacity to 10 rounds for civilian use. (Funny, on the job, to "protect the public", we carried G17's with 17 round magazines. Now, to "enhance public safety", I can only be trusted with 10. And they can say that with a straight face...)

Anyway, the only changes made to the stock configuration were the sights, (again TruGlo TFO's to keep the same sight picture across platforms, and the fact that I loath Glock factory sights), an extended slide stop, (I could barely find the original, low profile, stop with my thumb), and I sanded a rough spot off the front of trigger safety lever to allow it too sit flush with the trigger face when activated. Nothing else strikes me as needing attention. The G43X has a Gen4 trigger which is much smoother than on my Gen3 G19, the firing pin safety was redesigned, the mag catch sits closer to my hand so it is easily activated, and the recoil spring assembly is double coil making it less likely to flex/break.

I've put about 600 rounds of various manufacture's ammunition through my G43X without a hitch. (That may sound like a lot, but I personally consider 500 to be the minimum number of rounds to fire through a weapon before trusting your life to it.) It's a little snappier on the recoil, but nothing that would effect accuracy or the ability to maintain control. This is mainly due to the combination of the redesigned recoil spring assembly, and the longer grip frame. And, speaking of accuracy, even with a barrel length of only 3.41", I can still put 9 out of 10 rounds into the 10 ring at 15 yards. This can no doubt be attributed to the match grade, Glock "Marksman Barrel", which comes standard on this model.

So there you have it. Applying UW logic to CCW considerations, resulted in me buying a new carry gun. As may be obvious from the above, I'm very happy with the result. Please don't get me wrong, although I advocate for civilian CCW, I understand that it's definitely not for everyone, and fully respect those who would disagree, or decide to not personally carry. CCW requires a commitment to training, practice, and mind set, a deficit in any one of which could have disastrous results. Remember the Gunfighter's rule of 3's: Most lethal force encounters happen at a distance of about 3 yards, with 3 about rounds fired, in about 3 seconds. There is no time to think, your training must be sufficient to carry you through, because you will act as you have been trained. Stay safe my friends...
Congrats. Those are both nice pistols. Good choices, there. Glad to hear you're enjoying them.
Two Glocks are better than one - they're twice the fun - ask anyone! LOL! Congrats on the new weapon!

I think the tradeoff for a 10 round capacity vs. EDC comfort would be worth it, at least for those who practice regularly.
Rgand said:
Congrats. Those are both nice pistols. Good choices, there. Glad to hear you're enjoying them.
Thanks, I certainly do enjoy shooting more now, when it's not "work".  :toothy12:
Rick said:
How much does the new one weigh fully loaded?  I like it.
A 50 round box of 9mm weighs about 1.6lbs, so each round is about .512 oz. So, with a full 10 round mag, it weighs about 23.5 oz
Here's a link to Glock's G43X page: https://us.glock.com/en/pistols/g43x-us
Cagey said:
Two Glocks are better than one - they're twice the fun - ask anyone! LOL!
I see what ya did there!  :laughing11: :laughing3: :laughing7: (Except this is Beaver Tails!)
Cagey said:
...I think the tradeoff for a 10 round capacity vs. EDC comfort would be worth it, at least for those who practice regularly.
Thing is, Shield Arms actually makes a 15 round mag for the G43X/G48 that sits flush with the frame, just like the standard 10 round mag does, so it has no effect on concealability. For the 2.5 oz or so of extra carry weight, I think I'd rather have the extra 5 rounds. I practice all the time, but that's just punching holes in paper. Paper don't shoot back. When the adrenaline's pumping, and your hands are shaking, tunnel vision's starting to kick in, and you're trying not to get shot yourself, those extra rounds could make all the difference. 'Cause let's face it, the bad guys don't give a hot damn about magazine capacity laws. I just hope they don't practice like I do....
Here's the link: https://shieldarms.com/glock-43x-48-15-round-mag
Rick said:
Less than 2 pounds! Awesome.
That's less than a pound and a half! In fact, both the NRA publication "Shooting Illustrated", and Police One, list the loaded weight as 23.07 oz. I don't have a scale to measure that, so....
BigSteve22 said:
Thing is, Shield Arms actually makes a 15 round mag for the G43X/G48 that sits flush with the frame, just like the standard 10 round mag does, so it has no effect on concealability. For the 2.5 oz or so of extra carry weight, I think I'd rather have the extra 5 rounds. I practice all the time, but that's just punching holes in paper. Paper don't shoot back. When the adrenaline's pumping, and your hands are shaking, tunnel vision's starting to kick in, and you're trying not to get shot yourself, those extra rounds could make all the difference. 'Cause let's face it, the bad guys don't give a hot damn about magazine capacity laws. I just hope they don't practice like I do....
Here's the link: https://shieldarms.com/glock-43x-48-15-round-mag

Interesting. So, if some dingbat manages to get magazine capacity limited to 10 rounds, it'll still be a perfectly legal weapon, since that's the OEM design.

I agree on the need for larger capacity, and hoping the bad guy doesn't practice as much.

Fortunately, sometimes even practice doesn't help them, though. I remember the last time I was at the range, a little cluster of guys were in the lane next to me having fun passing the same weapon back and forth so they'd all get some time in, and to a man they were practicing stupid stuff, like standing wrong, holding the gun sideways, etc. If they put 100 rounds downrange, they may have hit the target 20 times, let alone make any holes anywhere near where they intended. At one point, it appeared a round stovepiped, and in the process of trying to clear it they ended up firing across lanes. The target was safer from them than they were from each other, and they were frightening me. Luckily, I was about done anyway so I could leave.
Cagey said:
Interesting. So, if some dingbat manages to get magazine capacity limited to 10 rounds, it'll still be a perfectly legal weapon, since that's the OEM design.
Actually, the OEM capacity of the weapon is not the issue. My G19 has a factory capacity of 15 rounds. And, I can still buy the higher capacity models, it's just that dealers can't sell them to civilians with the standard magazines. Because these misguided laws were being passed in various municipalities, Glock started making 10 round magazines for their higher capacity models. I can still buy a new G19, but because I live in NY, it would only come with 10 round mags.
Cagey said:
...last time I was at the range, a little cluster of guys were in the lane next to me having fun passing the same weapon back and forth so they'd all get some time in, and to a man they were practicing stupid stuff...
My typical practice session consists of 200-300 rounds, through various carry guns. Most shots are fired right handed, using a two handed grip, at distances out to 25 yards. (But the majority are fired at 15 yards or less.) Then, I fire right handed, single hand grip, and left handed, single hand grip, my free hand holding my opposite shoulder or my belt, behind my back. This is to simulate an injury which would effect my ability to fire normally. These single handed rounds are fired at 10 yards or less. Magazines changes are practiced the same way. Being at an indoor range, there's not much moving around involved. However, if the place is empty, and I'm the only one on the line, I have been known to use a lane divider as a make shift barricade.
Cagey said:
...The target was safer from them than they were from each other, and they were frightening me...
:laughing11: :laughing3: :laughing7:  Been there, seen that too...
But these days, I also see a lot of "just-plain-'ole-shooters". Aside for your typical, CCW shooters, (myself included), casual "just-shootung-for-fun" guys, and the inevitable "Joe-Cowboy" competitor types, (you know what I mean, $15K worth of gear, have a hard time hitting a paper plate at three yards...), I've seen a change in the clientele. I've noticed a lot of serious, first time shooters getting pointers from the staff at the range, and more experienced shooters showing their wives, husbands, sons, and daughters how to use a hand gun/long gun at close range. I've even seen a couple of home owners trying out their Remington 870's, which is a lot better than firing a 12 gauge the for first time, at home, in the dark, after being awakened by the sound of their back door being kicked in.

This makes me feel a lot safer than some idiotic law, that criminals will ignore anyway, written by someone with their own agenda, and championed by some politician who uses the specter of the "scary looking gun" to keep frightened voters in line, all the while, surrounded by armed bodyguards....  :icon_thumright:
Congrats on a very cool pistol.

I live in NJ, so can sympathize with the idiot rules.  My mom moved to Montana last year.  I visited over the summer and hit a fun store, and yeah......I may move there.

Anyway, some questions.....

Any idea how recoil compares to a G26?  I'm sure it carries considerably thinner than a G26 (not that I could ever get a carry permit in NJ because of idiocy).  I have 7 Glocks, of which 5 are 9mm (G19 x 2, G17, G34, G26).  I find the G26 to be one of the most accurate of the bunch, with the best trigger of them all.

Have you clocked velocities on the short barrel?  If so, what were you getting?

rauchman said:
Congrats on a very cool pistol.
Thanks, I'm liking it a lot!
rauchman said:
Any idea how recoil compares to a G26?
Never shot a G26. I went looking for a replacement for my previously carried Walther PPK/S. I liked the short slide on a thin, compact frame and that's what the G43X gives me. Although I considered a 26, (short slide on a sub-compact/full width frame), the 43X just felt right in my hand. The recoil is very manageable, probably due to the reduced circumference of the grip frame, which allows my medium sized hands to get a good solid high grip on it.
rauchman said:
I'm sure it carries considerably thinner than a G26...
Yes, it conceals very well. Although the frame is actually the same height as a G19, it's shorter and thinner, as is the slide at just over 1". Additionally, I just bought a sub-compact G43 frame. The 43X slide will fit it, so I get a second carry option for around $150 all in.
rauchman said:
Have you clocked velocities on the short barrel?  If so, what were you getting?
Sorry dude, no chrono. But at defensive distances, (somewhere around 3 yards), a modern 9mm round is going to do what it's supposed to do: Stop the threat. I used to carry 90 grain, Federal Hydra-shok in my Walther .380 , now it's usually 124 grain Sig V-Crown in the 9mm Glocks.