
New VIP Build

Do a T-O-M.  Go for it.  With or without the Stoptail.  Let's face it, the VIP has not so subtle PRS styling, and even they are putting T-O-Ms on a few of their designs now.  And not all T-O-Ms fall off during string changes.  The tonepros stuff has setscrews that hold it on.  But, even though a carved top, the VIP has a few more bridge options than the LP because it is flat where the bridge is, making the Strat flatmount bridges an option.
Needs a Turbo Deluxe Floyd said:
Do a T-O-M.  Go for it.  With or without the Stoptail.  Let's face it, the VIP has not so subtle PRS styling, and even they are putting T-O-Ms on a few of their designs now.  And not all T-O-Ms fall off during string changes.  The tonepros stuff has setscrews that hold it on.  But, even though a carved top, the VIP has a few more bridge options than the LP because it is flat where the bridge is, making the Strat flatmount bridges an option.

I have never used a TOM but it looks to me like it is a set in...i mean my AK85 hollow body is a floating bridge that is a pain to reset after each restring so it wouldn't bother me on the VIP if the TOM was not a set bridge. It looks to me like it has 2 bolts that hold it in place. I'm going to check one out at my local guitar shop to get a better idea but i'm still considering the 510. We will see where it takes me but i need to know before i order the body.
On the T-O-M, it's fixed.  You adjust the action by moving the posts up or down.  Buy gravity or string tension holds the bridge to the body.  The tonepros version has setscrews.  It won't fall off during string changes.
Needs a Turbo Deluxe Floyd :redflag: said:
On the T-O-M, it's fixed.  You adjust the action by moving the posts up or down.  Buy gravity or string tension holds the bridge to the body.  The tonepros version has setscrews.  It won't fall off during string changes.
A...ndI'm back to the tom haha
Cagey said:
I've never seen it done. I mean, it's a VIP body. They're nice. VIP = Very Important Part. Why would you want to put a trapeze bridge on it? That's like putting bias-ply tires on a Maseratti.


Hmmm... let's see... what's the least we can do to cause the most harm?

Hehe! But, seriously. No. Never seen it done. I think there's a law against it. If not, there should be.  In any event, I don't think a VIP has enough ass on it to allow for a trapeze. They were used more on big semi-acoustics with all sorts of real estate between the bridge and the back edge.

Quite a nice Maser there!  You do realize that underneath the bodywork, it's Ferrari Enzo, right?  :headbang1: