new rule - no politics?

if you think this violently I wonder why you would associate yourself with the supposedly more tolerant left.

It's really only in America that being a leftist is associated with being a clover-sniffing weenie, you know. Have you ever heard of Trotsky? (No, not the ones associated with too much cheap Popov vodka....) The French Revolution's "Reign of Terror"... Vladimir Lenin, Chairman Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro - JOSEF STALIN?!? Now there was a non-weenie leftist for ya. :evil4: Made that Republican Hitler fellow look like a piker, right-o. :help:

(Hint: watch out for ANYONE named "Vladimir".) :blob7:
stubhead said:
It's really only in America that being a leftist is associated with being a clover-sniffing weenie, you know.

Yes, but those are what Lenin referred to as, "the useful idiots"... not the true face.

In other words, the clueless and ignorant little people a la:

The so-called cultural element of Western Europe and America are incapable of comprehending the present state of affairs and the actual balance of forces; these elements must be regarded as deaf-mutes and treated accordingly....

A revolution never develops along a direct line, by continuous expansion, but forms a chain of outbursts and withdrawals, attacks and lulls, during which the revolutionary forces gain strength in preparation for their final victory...

We must: (a) In order to placate the deaf-mutes, proclaim the fictional separation of our government ... from the Comintern, declaring this agency to be an independent political group. The deaf-mutes will believe it. (b) Express a desire for the immediate resumption of diplomatic relations with capitalist countries on the basis of complete non-interference in their internal affairs. Again, the deaf- mutes will believe it. They will even be delighted and fling wide-open their doors through which the emissaries of the Comintern and Party Intelligence agencies will quickly infiltrate into these countries disguised as our diplomatic, cultural, and trade representatives.

Capitalists the world over and their governments will, in their desire to win Soviet market, shut their eyes to the above-mentioned activities and thus be turned into blind deaf-mutes. They will furnish credits, which will serve as a means of supporting the Communist parties in their countries, and, by supplying us, will rebuild our war industry, which is essential for our future attacks on our suppliers. In other words, they will be laboring to prepare their own suicide.

Then there's the one's who aren't clueless and ignorant... generally tend to be far more vicious.
tfcreative said:
jackthehack said:
Besides you're probably just worried about the effect of the camps on your property values, and are an easy mark for a troll....

I don't know if you've kept up with the news, but I'm not sure that anything short of an atomic blast could lower phoenix property values further at this point.

And you're seriously bragging about being a troll? Are you 12? I would have more respect for someone who stood by a disagreeable remark but at least had intellectual honesty. You do make the point that there's no point in continuing to go back and forth on a message board, though. I can quit.

The link below will return everything on eBay that comes back on a search for "sense of humor", might check your local craigslist as well...
hannaugh said:
Blue313 said:
hannaugh said:
How bout a "no thinking about ducks" rule?  Okay.  No thinking about ducks.'re thinking about ducks now, aren't you?
Actually my brain went straight to Stratocaster.  :laughing7:

Now I'm trying to imagine a duck playing a Strat.  Maybe the duck could team up with the Warmoth turtle and start a band.

Sorry, best I could do on short notice.

Make it a semi hollowbody and it's the new Chuck Berry signature model  :icon_thumright: