
New ignore feature?

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AprioriMark said:
Hero Member
Posts: 2531

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This member is currently ignored.

Finally, whew.  Now my morning can go on in peace and tranquility.


Tough luck, Mark!
I can still email and IM you all day long, and I'm feeling especially irritating and nonsensically random today. :icon_jokercolor:
Superlizard said:
I'm gonna test this out for the hell of it - there's really only 2 peeps I don't care
to hear (and no, one ain't AprioriMark -

Off my jock~!   Seriously, it's getting creepy.  I accepted your apology and surrender in the other two threads, so just keep my name out of your posts, please.  Wow.

line6man said:
AprioriMark said:
Hero Member
Posts: 2531

View Profile Personal Message (Online)


This member is currently ignored.

Finally, whew.  Now my morning can go on in peace and tranquility.


Tough luck, Mark!
I can still email and IM you all day long, and I'm feeling especially irritating and nonsensically random today. :icon_jokercolor:

It's ok, I have my "fake Mark" macro running on IM.

AprioriMark said:
Superlizard said:
I'm gonna test this out for the hell of it - there's really only 2 peeps I don't care
to hear (and no, one ain't AprioriMark -

Off my jock~!   Seriously, it's getting creepy.  I accepted your apology and surrender in the other two threads, so just keep my name out of your posts, please.  Wow.


Dude, I said one of them isn't you.

That's my way of saying I can hang with the occasional fisticuffs with somebody without taking it personally.
Superlizard said:
Dude, I said one of them isn't you.

That's my way of saying I can hang with the occasional fisticuffs with somebody without taking it personally.

I'm going to use this comment to illustrate a significant reason *why* the ignore button was implemented.  You two (SL & Mark) may or may not have problems with each other, but you do regularly bicker in multiple threads and can totally derail the thread.  There are over 4,000 members on UnofficialWarmoth and there are more than a few than are not interested in watching you two fight. You do make constructive posts that others could miss, but that could be an acceptable loss for some.

As an admin, I need to keep the overall health and environment of the board in mind.  If you don't like the Ignore function, don't use it.  Let me also say this, do not think the Ignore button is an acceptable excuse for bad behavior.  "Well, if they don't like what I say they can ignore me..."  The General Guidelines still apply.

EDIT: My comments are not directed solely at SL and Mark and should not be implied as such.  Convenient use of a comment SL made.  That is all.
All I ask is that he stop stalking me.  If the community is supposed to be self-regulating, I'm going to keep mentioning when he is begging for my attention by posting lies about me and creating problems.  I don't need to be slandered and stalked by someone who isn't even trying to make sense.  If no one else is willing to step in and say, "stop making up lies about people for attention," I'm going to probably correct the inaccuracies and ask that the creepy stalking cease.  My way of doing that in the past has been to make light of it, but I can be more direct in pointing it out if you mods would rather... though I'd rather not police childish behavior; making light of it is much easier.

Essentially, there's no fight involved.  I'll refrain from making fun of bad behavior if that's what you're insinuating, but I would ask in return that you moderate people who go crazy and start stalking and slandering people.

ive only noticed SL get out of hand once and it wasn't with mark, or maybe mark was involved, i dunno. i didn't notice, posibly just made comments on the topic, i guess i never noticed the other threads you guys fight in.  :dontknow:

there are times when a couple people here go off on rants that i couldn't care less about that are clearly misplaced anger or frustration (myself included) and most of the time i ignore them, but i do admit i can get caught up in such nonsense. i see the point, i dont usually take things personally. but it's not even about that it's about sharing good information and experience. the moderators here and some of the warmoth sales people refer customers to the board for questions and information, this may be "unofficial" but we should think more about representing the board, our selves and warmoth. if for nothing else just out of respect for the company who's name is on the board. this board has a habit of making forum member out of people who have never made more than one post on any other forum. we recognize each others screen names and avatars, it's like a comunity, and people who see it like to become a part of it. we should try to keep it that way.
This thread is devolving into something that should be handled via PMs quickly.
knucklehead G said:
This thread is devolving into something that should be handled via PMs quickly.

I don't see why you think that at all?

There is nothing questionable being posted in this thread.
I don't see the devolution either - people still seem pretty civil.  That said, I'd still lobby for the capability to ignore a thread in the "Show unread posts since last visit." link over ignoring an individual if such a capability exists.
CrackedPepper said:
I don't see the devolution either - people still seem pretty civil.  That said, I'd still lobby for the capability to ignore a thread in the "Show unread posts since last visit." link over ignoring an individual if such a capability exists.

Meh, I've never used the unread posts since your last visit thing.

I just look through each forum and click on the threads I want to look at.
everytime I have to take a break from the forum, something fun and/or interesting happens!!!  :sad1:
I personally like noseying on peoples profiles to see how many members are ignoring them! Shows you how uninterresting my life is just now to be entertained by such foolishness.

I'm still fairly new here so i can't really say much, but people are arrogant enough without giving them another reason to feel superior.
I've always found this to be a humorous forum, where people talk about guitars and give helpful tips to others, when people disagree its always taken with a joke/coke and a smile. An ignore button only illistrates the sheer retardedness of some members. if you want to argue do it through pm's before you throw a tantrum and ignore each other. I'm personally in the boat of not wanting to hear people's personalised gripes, lifes to short for anyone to actually give a rats ass.
Having said that people are reading too much into this, Just choose to ignore the ignore button, its harmless unless you want to use it.
ORCRiST said:

No more of that "Cagey" bastage invading my internetz!

Oh, Telecasters suck and Floyd's should be on everything.

Beginning my goal to be ignored by everyone in 3....2....1...


elfro89 said:
Shows you how uninterresting my life is just now to be entertained by such foolishness.

Didn't you tell me you spent like 2 hours on the Dontevenreply website the other day? :blob7:
You can see who is ignoring you by going to your profile and clicking the ignore options link...
These are the members currently ignoring you
Wow, a popular guy/gal!


...I feel like I'm gonna have a surprise tomorrow morning :icon_biggrin:
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