
New guy here! question included


hey everyone, long time lurker, first time poster. Unfortunately I'm not a warmoth guitar owner... yet. But that's why I'm posting this now.

I have a question  I'm hoping you all could answer for me.

First, I must note that I'm a lefty. Yep.... lefty. Now, I'v e been on the search for a 7 string, found a few that are under consideration, but I kinda want to go custom if I get a 7 string, as I've wanted one for years. Anyway, I know Warmoth doesnt make lefty 7 string bodies, but I saw they also take custom orders.... Do you think that if I went through thieir custom shop they could build one for me? Or would being left handed make that not happen?
The best thing to do would be to call them.  There 7 string section does say right-hand only, so I'd say they wouldn't.  Man, a lefty 7 string.  The rarest of the rare.  Good luck.
Yep that one would certainly be in a class of it's own, it'd be a fully custom endeavor i think though, you might get lucky and have them do a special body for you but it's gonna be top dollar i'm sure,
if nothing else you could try to order a body blank with a seven string neck pocket and try to craft the body yourself from there, but that's a different beast entirely, regardless i would definitely call this one in and talk to the pros.

best of luck with this, i'm sure we'd all like to see how this one would turn out if you could get it going.
hopefully they can do it for an upcharge... warmoth is the ultimate customer-based company. they offer almost everything, and the things they don't offer currently they try very hard to work out for their customers. good luck! hope they can help