
New guitar body is smokin' hot


Junior Member
Got my guitar body a few days ago and man is it a beauty. Didn't realize how well red dye looks on quilted maple until I saw it in person.

I'm tempted to post pics but I'm going to hold off until I have everything (still haven't ordered the neck yet) and when it is finished I'll post the whole set of pics. :)

For those who don't know it's a mahogany VIP body with the quilted maple top, red dye, cream binding and black gloss sides and back, routed for Gotoh Wilkinson.

If my credit didn't suck I'd probably have the thing finished by now, but that's another story (albeit an interesting one) for another time.

Oh Geez! Not another tease thread! Gosh Darnit! I hope this doesnt become the standard. I will now tell you the first half of the funniest joke in the world... Right after this important commercial message.... Just go look for the thread "Is it fair to tease everyone with your project?" or "How I caught the teasers and ended it" We could do a survey:  How many want to hear about the finest guitar build ever, but not be shown pics? "My camera is broken too" Grrr :sad:
Alright, alright, you've convinced me.  :glasses10:






That is going to make for one gorgeous fiddle.

I gotta start buying lottery tickets. So many guitar ideas, so little time...
GAHHHH, now i cant decide between red dye, purple dye or washed black dye on my second and last for a good couple of years likely project, Damn you sir, but thank you too  :laughing7: :toothy12:
Doesn't that bridge make you feel just a little silly?


Complicated? Nooo... why? How
do you tie your shoes?
Cagey said:
Doesn't that bridge make you feel just a little silly?


Complicated? Nooo... why? How
do you tie your shoes?
If you're talking to me, then I guess Floyd's aren't for simple minded people.... :toothy12:

Cause I have no issues with them....Obviously....
Cagey said:
Doesn't that bridge make you feel just a little silly?


Complicated? Nooo... why? How
do you tie your shoes?

Why would you put a crankshaft milling machine on a guitar? That would never work. It would only be in tune every 60 degrees of rotation on a six banger.....

Death by Uberschall said:
Cagey said:
Doesn't that bridge make you feel just a little silly?


Complicated? Nooo... why? How
do you tie your shoes?

Why would you put a crankshaft milling machine on a guitar? That would never work. It would only be in tune every 60 degrees of rotation on a six banger.....

It's Cagey, who knows what he's thinking of...And he thinks a Floyd is complicated, he ought to try running a crankshaft mill.... :doh:
Death by Uberschall said:
Cagey said:
Doesn't that bridge make you feel just a little silly?


Complicated? Nooo... why? How
do you tie your shoes?

Why would you put a crankshaft milling machine on a guitar? That would never work. It would only be in tune every 60 degrees of rotation on a six banger.....

nah, I run early Buick odd fire V6s, the tuning is all different