
Neck Contours


Senior Member
It'd be great if there was a symmetrical contour option that was sized to be thicker than the standard thin but thinner than the '59 roundback.  I suppose the Clapton shape meets that criteria but it also has that soft V shape that turns some people off.  I imagine that something along the lines of .830"-.920" would quickly become a really popular option. 
59 isn't all that big, lots of guitars on the market have similar necks, and the wolfgang is just very slightly assymetrical, very hard to notice. Honestly I doubt they would get too many takers, they have the bases pretty well covered.
tfarny said:
59 isn't all that big, lots of guitars on the market have similar necks, and the wolfgang is just very slightly assymetrical, very hard to notice. Honestly I doubt they would get too many takers, they have the bases pretty well covered.

I disagree.  There's a HUGE hole between the standard thin and the '59.  I've often wished that there were a symmetrical option between those two.  I'm helping a friend build his first Warmoth, and after playing a standard thin and a '59, his comment was, "And there's nothing between these two?  That's a big chunk of wood."  Also, Gibson has seem a lot of interest in the slim '60s neck they offer.

tfarny said:
59 isn't all that big, lots of guitars on the market have similar necks, and the wolfgang is just very slightly assymetrical, very hard to notice. Honestly I doubt they would get too many takers, they have the bases pretty well covered.

Don't get me wrong, I love the the 59 contour and will probably continue getting it on future orders.  It just seems like i'm always reading on here about people wanting something in between those two shapes (and really, regardless of how big/not big the '59 is, there is a huge difference between it and standard thin).  It seems like there is a decent demand for it already.
I go with the '59 and sand it back.
I end up with an offset "V" sort of shape.  Not too dissimilar from a Walfgang, but still different (less shoulder).

If you are getting the neck already finished, it's a moot point, but lots of guys/gals choose raw necks.
Just a thought.
