
My Warmoth vid


Hey guys I made a little Pink Floyd vid for youtube using my chambered strat if anyone cares to look at it. Feel free to comment or point and laugh whatever you like:)

if you link the vid and not the channel, it'll post right here, like so:

and that sounds very nice, btw.
Nice guitar, nice piece, great tone, well done. Very musical and satisfying.
Yea ... nice tone and nice looking neck.
You're makin' me want a maple/maple again. There's something about the tone of them that is very attractive.
Steve_Karl said:
Yea ... nice tone and nice looking neck.
You're makin' me want a maple/maple again. There's something about the tone of them that is very attractive.

The tone and appearance, both. But, I just can't get next to a finished fretboard. Finished neck meat is ok, but not the board. Fortunately, the Flying Spaghetti Monster saw fit to bless us with pau ferro and ebony, so maple/maple isn't a singular solution.
Either you have a really long office, or some cannibals are shrinking Stratocasters instead of missionaries these days. Are you at,like, a job or somewhere? If so, more power to you....
Thanks for the comments guys, no the neck isn't superwide a friend asked me the same thing when he saw it must be the camera angle, and same for the strats the room is only about 12 feet deep.
BTW if you feel like looking at my channel there are a few more vids a couple of them have the old VW body warmoth used to make and one other has a strat I made from Mighty Mite parts the pickups are Fender 57-62 set however. Thnaks Dave