SuperL, your guitar threads are helpful. Your politics threads are kind of a joke - I kind of wonder if you are serious. You just throw out whatever attacks you heard on the AM radio or O'Reilly that day and then complain that 'liberals' are a bunch of emotional whiners who don't care about facts. When someone offers facts that contradict you, you ignore the facts and get emotional again. So I guess you're right, I don't 'respect' any of your posts on the subject, I see no reason to.
Lucky provided the context for that Hillary quote which makes the point yet again - she was explaining to a group of wealthy democratic donors that they would be paying higher taxes. The 'common good' can be defined in a lot of non-scary ways if the phrase scares you - public schooling, roads, fire and police, universities, disaster preparedness, the military. Balancing the budget is a common good as well. A useful debate we should have right now is whether health care is included in the common good. Why does this have to be explained to a voting age adult, though?
If you guys want to run around like Jim Cramer's recent chicken little act, all emotional, go right ahead. It doesn't bother me.