Alrighty then. Time to start a build thread rather than a box thread. Well, soon anyway. I ordered the neck, time to move on.
In the end, I decided the supplied fingerboard idea can be done some other time. I've been trying to stuff all my ideas into one build and that's just not gonna happen. There will be others.
Before I ordered the neck I had chosen last night, I surfed the showcase one last time, sorted by date and... ordered one I had never seen before.
Using none of the materials I had listed in my final choices.
Truth be told, I like this neck a lot, but I'm not sure I'll like it with this body a lot. But so be it. There will be other builds. With the variations in monitors and how things photograph vs how they look in real lighting, it may look great, it may not look so great. But the materials should have a tone I think I want, more so than a maple neck would, so I went with the sound in mind over matching colors.
Here's what I got:
Goncalo Alves / Pau Ferro. I am constantly annoyed by how "bright" things sound in everyday life, so Maple and ebony started to scare me. I was intrigued by having no finish on the neck... and it was only $232 complete. What's not to like???
The body is more brown in most lighting, so we'll see how well the colors play together. Now I need to choose tuners to make sure I got the size of the holes correct, and when it shows up I'll start a build thread.
Thanks for putting up with my incessant rambling, I realize I've changed my mind a whole lot of times along the way. I'll try to be better next time. :icon_biggrin:
In the end, I decided the supplied fingerboard idea can be done some other time. I've been trying to stuff all my ideas into one build and that's just not gonna happen. There will be others.
Before I ordered the neck I had chosen last night, I surfed the showcase one last time, sorted by date and... ordered one I had never seen before.
Using none of the materials I had listed in my final choices.
Truth be told, I like this neck a lot, but I'm not sure I'll like it with this body a lot. But so be it. There will be other builds. With the variations in monitors and how things photograph vs how they look in real lighting, it may look great, it may not look so great. But the materials should have a tone I think I want, more so than a maple neck would, so I went with the sound in mind over matching colors.
Here's what I got:
Goncalo Alves / Pau Ferro. I am constantly annoyed by how "bright" things sound in everyday life, so Maple and ebony started to scare me. I was intrigued by having no finish on the neck... and it was only $232 complete. What's not to like???
The body is more brown in most lighting, so we'll see how well the colors play together. Now I need to choose tuners to make sure I got the size of the holes correct, and when it shows up I'll start a build thread.
Thanks for putting up with my incessant rambling, I realize I've changed my mind a whole lot of times along the way. I'll try to be better next time. :icon_biggrin: