Musicamaster Bass


I've had pieces since 1985.  Its a project my late brother had started.  Honestly they emotions tied to it has kept this in storage for 30+ years.  But now I'm thinking I should complete it... but I have no idea where to start.  I have the body which knowing my brother and the era, its rattle can spray painted.  Thinking I need to find a non-toxic way to get that paint off and see what I have.  The neck is missing the nut.  Any suggestions?


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A new nut is no big deal for a competent and experienced luthier. And there are plenty of non-toxic chemical strippers out there. You sure you can't simply buff it up a bit, or respray with clear to get a shine?
That neck looks really strange. It looks like someone put a new fretboard on it. And didn’t do a good job. I could be wrong, but the frets looks like they won’t intonate properly.
The fretboard indeed looks .... odd.  Something appears wrong with the fret placements
I hadn't even looked at the neck, really. What is that white line up by the nut? Frankly - the fingerboard looks like oak, and I'm pretty sure Musicmaster basses all had rosewood boards.
I agree. Something way off on that neck. 17 frets, odd placements, looks out of scale...
I just took a ruler to the screen and measured to the 12th fret then that much more again. That put the full scale about at the heel end of the body. Is it possible that the neck was cut down?