

Mor Paul

Epic Member
So, nobody at my house has a job anymore. I haven't gotten paid since January, even though I've down work. My dad got laid off a long time ago, and because he doesn't have a degree (didn't need one), he hasn't gotten a new job. And my mom got laid off last week, but I just heard about it today.

And I've got college in less than a year.
Not to mention guitar plans, of course  :o
Max, Life is what happens in between our plans
we can plan for the best, but life happens
I lost my scholarship by getting a career ending injury on the football feild, took me 8 more years to get my masters at night college, I have never used it as I make more money doing what I do, I specialize in making businesses energy efficient,  My masters is in European History, match that.
Any way, NEVER GIVE UP and always take the next opportunity, Failure is either a step to success, or a excuse not to try again, your choice.

Buck up and remember, It is your choices the future is built on.
Keep chasing your dreams, or die saying I could have been if this would not have happened.
Max said:
So, nobody at my house has a job anymore. I haven't gotten paid since January, even though I've down work. My dad got laid off a long time ago, and because he doesn't have a degree (didn't need one), he hasn't gotten a new job. And my mom got laid off last week, but I just heard about it today.

And I've got college in less than a year.
Not to mention guitar plans, of course  :o

Holy shitebags Max, that's no good at all! Is your situation reflective of the rest of the US economy? I don't mean a direct comparison, but rather widespread lack of jobs, people losing jobs regularly etc?

From my perspective in Oz, I get the feeling we're not hearing half of it, just the fake good news stories coming out of Wall St.
Max, that sucks eggs.

Just remember, when you apply for colleges, apply for every grant under the sun.  You surely will qualify for financial aid as well, but why pay it back when you don't have to?  Hopefully you'll qualify fro a grant or four, and every little bit helps.  I'm more than happy to proofread your grant applications for you if you're remotely interested.

Max I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope everything works out. I know it's cliche but there is light. Just keep on keepin on. From your posts I am left with the impression that you are an intelligent, well rounded, mature young man and I'm sure you carry yourself that way and convey that to others. If anything, go play some blues on that sexy tele :headbang1:
O and try not to be mad at your parents. I'm sure they didn't want to burden you and it must be pretty damn hard to give your kid that kind of news.
Notes taken, Mark, and Pablo, I'm not mad at them. I'm sure my mom will get a job soon, I can only hope it pays well enough.
That is terrible timing of events, for sure.  I agree with Jim, life is unpredictable, and makes plans for us sometimes.  The biggest tests we go through are what makes us stronger.  I think of a lyric from a Posies song " Please be strong, You don't know it, but your coming right along".
Geez Max that ain't good.....dunno much about the US College system but from what others have said, there seems to be a fair bit of support around financially.

I would suggest the college years will be your key, Max. Make a success of that and widen your circle of associates at the same time, and who knows what may pop up in the future? You are certainly intelligent enough to do well academically, try to not let what is happening at home distract you too much. I know you'll worry about your family, particularly if there's not much money in the house from time to time, but you really have a grand opportunity ahead of you in College.

Max I am Dirt Poor. and I plan to go to college. in another country no less.

my "plan" for that is to apply for every grant, loan and scholarship, and get a part time job when I get there.

after I sell off everything I own.

a lot of people go to college without their parents help!
here in the USA we are suffering one of the worse economic times since our great depression'
what has caused it is out sourcing till we have no jobs
depending on a service economy
and the government giving away our profits with social welfare and foreign

we complain about Illegal Aliens but we need them because we pay our poor not to work

we complain that countries under price our products but suffer a huge tax burden because we give that money to other countries so they do not need to tax their own people and they can under bid us

or government puts out facts about the economy improving that are fabricated, such as unemployment figures, we have millions who have exhausted their benefits and can no longer apply, so the government says numbers are lower, Yes we are in a huge downturn and it seem the way out is the devaluation of the Dollar so we can compete again, but until our government stops trying to live on borrowed many we will not see such, We need a lot of things to get straitened out here, But the guys in office want to raise taxes to pay for programs and the public has had enough and keeps voting no. Soon something will move If it is soon enough not to ruin millions of lives is to be seen.
Jusatele said:
Max, Life is what happens in between our plans
we can plan for the best, but life happens
I lost my scholarship by getting a career ending injury on the football feild, took me 8 more years to get my masters at night college, I have never used it as I make more money doing what I do, I specialize in making businesses energy efficient,   My masters is in European History, match that.
Any way, NEVER GIVE UP and always take the next opportunity, Failure is either a step to success, or a excuse not to try again, your choice.

Buck up and remember, It is your choices the future is built on.
Keep chasing your dreams, or die saying I could have been if this would not have happened.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Adversity breeds triumph, press on and don't give up.

On a side bar: Justatele, I had a conversation at work today along the lines of what your last post was saying. We recently got a couple quotes from our Korean suppliers that are continually coming in higher and higher, which is mainly due to currency fluctuations plus the rise in steels Price/Pound. It actually came up that in the near future it may be more beneficial to source american suppliers opposed to Asian suppliers. 1 because of currency issues, 2. the rise in oil prices causes the shipping prices to increase so the increase in shipping costs will soon out weigh the cost save.

Sorry to go off topic there. Back to the issue at hand.
Jusatele said:
here in the USA we are suffering one of the worse economic times since our great depression'
what has caused it is out sourcing till we have no jobs
depending on a service economy
and the government giving away our profits with social welfare and foreign

we complain about Illegal Aliens but we need them because we pay our poor not to work

we complain that countries under price our products but suffer a huge tax burden because we give that money to other countries so they do not need to tax their own people and they can under bid us

or government puts out facts about the economy improving that are fabricated, such as unemployment figures, we have millions who have exhausted their benefits and can no longer apply, so the government says numbers are lower, Yes we are in a huge downturn and it seem the way out is the devaluation of the Dollar so we can compete again, but until our government stops trying to live on borrowed many we will not see such, We need a lot of things to get straitened out here, But the guys in office want to raise taxes to pay for programs and the public has had enough and keeps voting no. Soon something will move If it is soon enough not to ruin millions of lives is to be seen.

I'm sorry to hear about the state of the economy, but can I point out a couple of small things?

1) The US has a very low foreign aid budget, minuscule in fact related to the size of your economy.
2) Welfare provisions in the U.S. are some of the most parsimonious in the western world. The illegal alien issue in the states has more to do with business wanting to pay as little as possible, and avoid paying the pitiful minimum wage you have there.
3) I agree with you statement about unemployment figures. I think those and inflation figures are rubbish.
4) When programs such as defence get cut, and redirected into useful parts of the economy, things will improve. Unfortunately pigs might fly before that happens.
5) Lastly, can I point out that for the majority of the past thirty years the Republicans have been in office, and have bankrupted your economy, selling it out to the interests of big business. The democrats aren't better really, but don't have the express aim of supporting big business and the rich that the GOP do.
I feel both the Democrats and the Republicans are nuts
they are extreme ends of opposite poles politically who will not yield  to the other side one inch and it is tearing the country apart politically. They are also so huge they can snuff any opinion that is not one of the party. Try to do something not towing the party line and see how fast you are gone. As well as they squash 3rd party politics by making them look like the radicals for not agreeing with either side.
What we need is politicians that want what is good for the country, not private interest.
A politician has only 1 job, and that is to be reelected, if he loses he has no job so no matter what he says to get elected, he votes the way he gets most in return, political campaign donations, votes, or endorsements. If he were to vote for what he felt was right he would lose his job.
Now it seems that we have professional politicians in for life so I believe we should set 12 year term limits. If they cannot do it iin 12, why let them stagnate for more.

Anyway that is my feelings, the like politics have no correct answer as there is no book telling us what is right or wrong, to argue these points is useless as it is just thoughts or feelings.
What we needto do to show how we fee lis VOTE and leave the arguing to those in office.
Sean, I have seen local small businesses around the area get offshore contracts because of the drop in the value of the dollar. And I have seen manufacturers of product get local contracts because they now compete better with a smaller dollar. I think the future of our economy is we have to realize we were living high on the hog with a standard of living never seen before. I can never remember a time where 4 car families with boats, RVs and harleys were a norm. As the time we just came out of. If we would get back to a time when a 2800 square foot home was a dream not the norm we may be able to put this country back to work. I hate to say it but we got to rich, and all that richness was built on dept.
Jusatele said:
Sean, I have seen local small businesses around the area get offshore contracts because of the drop in the value of the dollar. And I have seen manufacturers of product get local contracts because they now compete better with a smaller dollar. I think the future of our economy is we have to realize we were living high on the hog with a standard of living never seen before. I can never remember a time where 4 car families with boats, RVs and harleys were a norm. As the time we just came out of. If we would get back to a time when a 2800 square foot home was a dream not the norm we may be able to put this country back to work. I hate to say it but we got to rich, and all that richness was built on dept.

I don't disagree with any of that J. It's the same here for the record. My wife and I, on the other hand, have about 100k in actual savings.