Meanwhile, at Warmoth....Parliament/Funkadelic!


Somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
Staff member
I don't know how many of you got the new Warmoth newsletter this week, but if you didn't it was an article on Right-Hand-Reverse headstocks. We are trying something new, and writing general info articles that have an opening paragraph "teaser", with a link to our website to finish the article.

I wanted to figure out who the first prominent player was to ever play a reverse headstock. After a lot of sleuthing I ended up concluding that it was probably Micheal Hampton, long-time guitarist in Funkadelic. I reached out to him with an email, and he replied with his phone number, so I got to talk to him a bit about his career and his guitar. It was very cool!

Anyway, here is the article.

And here is a video of Michael playing the guitar in question:

How does one sign up for the news letter?

Any Bootsy bodies in the pipeline?


Hey Glimmer...sign up for the newsletter is on the Warmoth website home page, bottom right. You may want to do it now, as I've heard a rumor that a very cool sweepstakes will be announced next week. I can't tell you what the grand prize is going to be, but I can tell you it rhymes with Dratocaster Meck.

A Bootsy bass? Yes please!

Very cool. Although he doesn't use the reverse headstock I had an opportunity to rediscover Nile Rodgers this weekend and watched some vids of master classes he gave in 2010 in Europe. The man knows the guitar and the funk flowed like a river.