Mayfly, definitely don't look at this.

ok so I clicked on it.  Way to rich for my blood.  and besides, I'd rather just make my own...  :headbang:
Definitely more fun to make your own, but when I saw a paisley, double neck Tele with a bender, all I could think of is, "Mayfly needs this."
"Studio guitar only"... I know we all mean this wasn't played outside the house but ... "Studio guitar"? I know that doublenecks have been recorded but .. I can't imagine most people putting up with a doubleneck when nobody is watching.
I don't know if I'd totally pan it, but I sure wouldn't break my back unless it was a part of the show.
On the flip side, I saw a show recently where a double-neck SG was played - but only the 12-string neck was used!  :tard:  It was used for just one song, but still...Why not just use a single-necked 12-string!
Zebra said:
On the flip side, I saw a show recently where a double-neck SG was played - but only the 12-string neck was used!  :tard:  It was used for just one song, but still...Why not just use a single-necked 12-string!

It probably was an EDS1275 or copy type variant.

If you only have a double neck and not a 12 string that is one reason. The other double necks can have a cool factor. The song remains the same either way :)
Zebra said:
On the flip side, I saw a show recently where a double-neck SG was played - but only the 12-string neck was used!  :tard:  It was used for just one song, but still...Why not just use a single-necked 12-string!

My initial thought is in line with Stratamania, it's the only 12 string they have. That being said, there aren't that many solidbody electric 12s out there, and there are probably tonal and aesthetic reasons they went the doubleneck route.

And who doesn't want to rock out looking like Jimmy Page/Don Felder/John McLaughlin if the opportunity presents itself?
I once considered a Yamaha 335 12-string copy as my primary/only guitar. Could've been an interesting direction.