pabloman said:
Jusatele said:
Hanna, I moved to Riverside to get out of that.
I know I pay with my cost of commuting, but I can leave my house without worring about break ins and I take long walks around the neighborhood talking to my neighbors. When I lived in the South Bay area I would never think of walking like that AND I LOCKED MY DOOR EVEN WHEN I WAS AT HOME.
Now If I hear a siren I know it is passing down a street going somewhere else, not to the house 2 lots down with a lowered Regal out front.
Once again you make me ask WTF?!?! Lowered Regal? Seriously? Your stereo types are offensive and tiresome. Now I really do understand where the stereo types come from but to continuously make assinine comments shows your mentality. For the record I happen to own 2 lowered Buicks and have never had the sirens stop at my house.
this is funny, telling me my stereo types are offensive,
I will apologize for bringing up something that offends you
but I will not apologize for the fact that lowered Buicks are associated with gangbangers,
and why, because a lot of gangbangers run around in lowered cars.
You need to step into my shoes, there are very few people who have suffered the racial prejudice I have. coming from a mixed family with family members from every shade in the book because of that I have seen things you can not imagine, Bringing home someone to meet the family and they will not answer a phone call after that, hearing a racist joke only to be told I would not have said it if I had known. And it goes on. I do not jump on guys who I think are using a stereotype, because I know the underlining base, and here it is.
Want to tell me about the stereotype of lowered Buicks? Let me ask, do you watch movies? If you do you are a hypocrite, Hollywood does more to extend the racial profile of a gangbanger in a lowered car than I ever could,but you say I am offensive and spend money to go to a movie. Gone to see Machette Yet? did yo cheer when the lowered cars went hoping down the street to kick ass? I am not promoting these ideas, They are.
I am glad you own 2 lowered Buicks, but let me ask you something, If you do not want to be judged by a stereotype, then why do you choose to run around in a lowered Buick, you will be judged by that. That is not me, that is the world around you, it is a fact of human nature. And as long as you support media that promotes that image, then you support the stereotype.
If you want to change the stereotype,do not get offended when it is used, do something about it. You can only change ideas by educating people, and getting defensive and telling me I am offensive is not education. You beed to organize charity events where a bunch of lowered cars get together to raise money for anon ethnic charity and make sure no one at the event is promoting any form of stereotype such as clothing style or music. As long as you allow it you are promoting that stereotype.
Want to know why Martin Luther King's Daughter spoke at an event held by Glen Beck (who I do not support in any way) instead of the event held by Al Sharpton in Washington DC on the same day last year, Because the one by Al was all about the stereotype of angry Blacks and the one by Glen was all about healing America. I can say that, both of those are my Race.
now back to Hannaugh being upset about gunfights in her neighborhood and my experience that I had a lowered Buick 2 houses down from my old house that had cops called to it. Had I said the guy with the VW bug (he also owned) would it be any different, fact was he had a lowered Regal, and wore what we call, Hollywood has taught us to call ,wife beater shirts. So I moved away so that I would not have to worry about having to live next to a house the cops were t twice a month with the VW Bug out front.