
Maybe it's time to move

Wana's made a guitar said:
elfro89 said:
DangerousR6 said:
You're probably right, if it's getting that rough... :dontknow:

That's why I carry my pistol wherever I go....

I wish we had that option in the UK, the best we can do is spit at them and say "how rude!"
Same here, then those damn Asian gangs in Melbourne would look mighty silly bringin their knives to a gunfight, even if they do have great big long machetes. Nothin' a .45 couldn't handle.

Amen, They got banned in the UK because some nutter went apeshit and killed a bunch of primary school children. Which sure if guns weren't around it wouldn't of happened. But guns are STILL around and having no good guys with guns means good people are getting killed because we have no way to defend ourself or fight back.

Ted Nugent says it best. Even though he is a scary guy...
Chris Rock had a good solution, you don't need gun control, you need bullet control.  If all bullets were $5000 a piece there would be no innocent bystanders. :icon_jokercolor:  That sucks Hannaugh, I grew up in Dansville, which is very much the open country, but which is also a little over an hour away from Detroit, or 30 min from Lansing.    I didn't have situations like that at all, eventhough, all the gang activity was looming around from a distance.  Other schools had security guards, even police, and ours did not at all. Gangs are redicullous.
hannaugh said:
I dunno, Riverside is getting kinda ghetto these days too... Casa Blanca is pretty horrific.  Most of Fullerton is really nice, I just live in the bad area because I ain't got no money.

We're still waiting on my possible promotion and my husband's possible new job... hopefully we'll know by May what is going to happen with that.  Then we're out of here. 
hehehehe Casa Blanca, yea it is a bit of a pit, but is a small place, guess what it is the only place in CA where they have shot down 2 Police helicopters. Np Lie they have, bout 15 years ago they had one go over a party late at night and lit it up with the spot light, so the partiers pulled a bunch of hand guns and started firing, shot the pilot in the foot and he had to fly a few blocks to a open field and put it down.
Yea Casa Blanca has it's reputation

I live about 3 miles away from there and it is an entire different place.
I really don't care if a bunch of idiots want to kill each other, I just wish they wouldn't do it in my neighborhood.  I recently read the graphic novel "Fist, Stick, Knife, Gun", which is a true story about a guy growing up in a bad neighborhood with gangs and stuff, and I spent the whole time I was reading it thinking "Why are there so many stupid idiots who like hurting people?"  I mean, the whole thing was about how this guy really never wanted to be violent, but ended up being violent because all the other kids there forced him into it.  Even his mom made him go fight a kid that stole his jacket.  I guess some people really feel that if there are gangs around, they need to be in a gang just to protect them from the other gangs, but man it is the dumbest vicious cycle ever.  

And justatele, it sounds like you live really close to my inlaws.  They have a very nice custom built house right around there in the nice part of town... and they just got robbed.  Someone stole their brand new tv and all my mother in law's jewelry.  Luckily they didn't take any of my father in law's tools though.  At least the thieves were dumb enough to rob the neighbor as well.  He happens to be a retired police chief.  I have a feeling the cops will actually be looking for these guys. 
Firebird said:
Chris Rock had a good solution, you don't need gun control, you need bullet control.  If all bullets were $5000 a piece there would be no innocent bystanders. :icon_jokercolor: 

yeah, but then you'd get black market bullet smuggling and crap, because bullets don't cost that much to manufacture. I suppose they could tax the crap out of 'em like they do tobacco, but it wouldn't do much except set all the rednecks in my town complaining non-stop. (they have no sympathy from me, sorry. most of them are idiots who just like to feel more manly and powerful because they can kill stuff.) heck, my neighbor almost killed my dog last year . . . he let his "buddy" set up coyote traps, "because they're worth $50 each dead". we've lived here 20 years and never had coyote problems, and all it did was hurt my dog's foot and leave him out in the woods in below freezing weather for two nights.

I'm not giving all rednecks a bad rap, just most of them. some of my good friends hunt, but for good reason: it is their main source of food. they hunt every animal you can get a license for, and you betcher britches every last family member fills their number.

I never understood hunting myself, maybe some of you hunting types could explain the appeal to me. I just never have seen taking the life of another living thing as something pleasant to do. sure, I'd do it if I needed food or something, but hunting for sport always baffles me  :icon_scratch:
Here goes the tangent.  Before you grill it, you kill it.  I eat meat and wear some leather, but am not a hunter.  I have no problem with it though for the reasons I just mentioned.  You can do it yourself with a rifle or have someone else do it with a bolt gun. 
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Here goes the tangent.  Before you grill it, you kill it.  I eat meat and wear some leather, but am not a hunter.  I have no problem with it though for the reasons I just mentioned.  You can do it yourself with a rifle or have someone else do it with a bolt gun. 

no, I totally get that, and I do find it sorta messed up the way we distance ourselves from the source of a lot of our food. it's kinda disgusting when you think about it.

but not as disgusting as the way some folks act about hunting. I know people who just seem to get this sick thrill off of it, which I wouldn't at all. you know what I mean? some people enjoy it too much it seems. (once again, not ALL hunters, just some . . . like my neighbor.) iI guess there are kinda two camps, those I respect because they go out and get their own food, and those I have no respect for because they mostly just want to go out and wreck the woods with their ATVs so they can blow away some poor critter for "sport". It's all about the motivation.
Mosse hunting is big where I come from (which is thankfully no longer where I live - but that's a whole other story). At the end of the season, there is this big parade where all the moose hunters get together and drive around town honking their horns, their trucks "decorated" with carcasses and heads. It's all very tribal and gory and macabre. Now I don't have a problem with hunting per se - I tend to agree with B3 and STDC - but the parade thing just doesn't feel right to me. It's a little too close to the "sick thrill" side of things. Then there's the fact that a number of these guys don't actually eat moose meat or just can't be bothered to get the damn thing butchered, so they just keep the animal propped up in the bed of their old Ford until it goes all rancid and nasty. That's just wasteful.
ErogenousJones said:
That's just wasteful.

I would tend to think the same thing, but I have this thing were I only like to eat the flesh of the animal.  Some people believe that every part of the animal should be used or it goes to waste and dies in vain.  I can't argue with that, but also can't bring myself to eat the organs in non-hotdog form.  Different strokes I guess.

And Hannaugh, go for it.  Do what you can. 
yeah, I guess part of it is also that the "sport" hunters often don't even keep the meat for themselves, or even butcher it themselves. the family I talked about earlier are kinda cool that way . . . they do EVERYTHING, including cutting the thing up. my neighbor just dumps carcasses in the woods (illegal BTW), which is why my dog wanders over there in the first place.
hannaugh said:
I really don't care if a bunch of idiots want to kill each other, I just wish they wouldn't do it in my neighborhood.  I recently read the graphic novel "Fist, Stick, Knife, Gun", which is a true story about a guy growing up in a bad neighborhood with gangs and stuff, and I spent the whole time I was reading it thinking "Why are there so many stupid idiots who like hurting people?"  I mean, the whole thing was about how this guy really never wanted to be violent, but ended up being violent because all the other kids there forced him into it.  Even his mom made him go fight a kid that stole his jacket.  I guess some people really feel that if there are gangs around, they need to be in a gang just to protect them from the other gangs, but man it is the dumbest vicious cycle ever.  

Sure, just human nature and the way society is unfortunately, we all have the capacity to do great harm to others, the way I see it, we are all born and then society moulds us into what we are. It's no coincidence that rougher areas generally breed rougher people, that's not to say people who live in more developed areas are better people, all of the most down to earth people I know come from areas that could be considered rough, none of them are exactly well off, but they are content with what they have and are generally nice people. My friend is a prison guard and he deals with convicted thieves, murderers, you name it... and he says the crazy thing about it is how down to earth and friendly they are.

As for the whole forced violence thing, I blame the parents. I never came from a well off family or nice area, but my parents are the ones who really made me who I am, I have the same moral code and principals as they do, I don't believe in violence and have not been in a fight since I was about 8 years old, they had gangs(if you can call them that) better to say idiots who thought they were tough.  The reason why I get on with pretty much everyone? Its because I have a fundamental respect for everyone I meet and I don't go about demanding respect off people because I run in some gang who think their hard as nails.
Maybe its time for some companionship




Huey, Dewey, and Louie....
Actually you will see a lot of the same exotics in grips for pistols and revolvers. At one time S&W offered a Goncalo Alves option I think (never been a big S&W fan). And they're pretty much all available as aftermarket. I've seen some beautiful walnut long gun stocks.

Actually, come to think of it - in any field where you wish to command a market premium (and for the small guy you HAVE to just to stay afloat vs the big guys) - exotic wood trimmings are an easy way to do it.
ErogenousJones said:
Mosse hunting is big where I come from (which is thankfully no longer where I live - but that's a whole other story). At the end of the season, there is this big parade where all the moose hunters get together and drive around town honking their horns, their trucks "decorated" with carcasses and heads. It's all very tribal and gory and macabre. Now I don't have a problem with hunting per se - I tend to agree with B3 and STDC - but the parade thing just doesn't feel right to me. It's a little too close to the "sick thrill" side of things. Then there's the fact that a number of these guys don't actually eat moose meat or just can't be bothered to get the damn thing butchered, so they just keep the animal propped up in the bed of their old Ford until it goes all rancid and nasty. That's just wasteful.

I have nothing against hunters or hunting in general, but I once spoke to this guy who was big into hunting, and asked him if he only shot animals he can eat. he told me, not at all.. he just enjoyed the rush from taking something's live.. it just gave him a thrill.. just to kill any animal..
a lost a little respect for him.... :-\
guns, hope this does not get political, guns always do

Hannaugh, I live in the wood street area, old Riverside, been here for years,
I have to agree about your thoughts on why do people do this, But I once asked one of those types and he told me that he would never achieve the house on the hill, his lot was to live in a barrio and  work a 40 hour job for the rest of his life never getting anywhere. He really seemed to believe he could not improve his life and this was the only way to get respect, was to be tougher than someone else.
I know that is not true, I know too many people who moved out of that type of life and joined the rest of society so they could have a better life. I wonder why so many do  succumb to the escapist attitude though because so many do. I guess it is just easy not to expect anything better and you will not be disappointed.  I have worked hard to get where I am, I do what is expected of me and make myself a person you can count on. It has paid off well, I could have remained where I was years ago getting nowhere fast and achieving little like so many of my old group has, but I moved across the country to SoCal and decided to build a future for myself. I think the difference was I expected more out of life than so many guys I grew up with.
Märkeaux said:
I have nothing against hunters or hunting in general, but I once spoke to this guy who was big into hunting, and asked him if he only shot animals he can eat. he told me, not at all.. he just enjoyed the rush from taking something's live.. it just gave him a thrill.. just to kill any animal..
a lost a little respect for him.... :-\

A little respect? That's how serial killers start out! Have you ever watched those TV documentaries about serial killers? They always say "As a child, X enjoyed killing small animals..."