Wana's made a guitar said:Same here, then those damn Asian gangs in Melbourne would look mighty silly bringin their knives to a gunfight, even if they do have great big long machetes. Nothin' a .45 couldn't handle.elfro89 said:DangerousR6 said:You're probably right, if it's getting that rough... :dontknow:
That's why I carry my pistol wherever I go....
I wish we had that option in the UK, the best we can do is spit at them and say "how rude!"
Amen, They got banned in the UK because some nutter went apeshit and killed a bunch of primary school children. Which sure if guns weren't around it wouldn't of happened. But guns are STILL around and having no good guys with guns means good people are getting killed because we have no way to defend ourself or fight back.
Ted Nugent says it best. Even though he is a scary guy...