
May 2013 Guitar of the Month Contest Entries

The difficulty I had is that the rules state "Owner Finished," and, "Warmoth/Professional Finish" and this month is listed as "Open."  Perhaps it is just me, but the title was a little misleading.  I would guess that open was just about anything.  I know that this is being annoying with the details, but for those that only browse and don't submit more than once every other year, the rules are there to help clear all of this up without having to drone on and on about it.  Like I am doing now...  Anyhow, very nice submissions.

I've seen many a Fender body or neck attached to the corresponding Warmoth part and entered with no problem in the appropriate month's category.  There's atleast one entry so far this month that hasn't been disqualified that doesn't have a Warmoth body.  Is the Ibanez portion confusing?  It still has a Warmoth body or neck, and there is no mention of finish restrictions this month.  "Open" is about as loose as restrictions can get.
Patrick from Davis said:
The difficulty I had is that the rules state "Owner Finished," and, "Warmoth/Professional Finish" and this month is listed as "Open."  Perhaps it is just me, but the title was a little misleading.  I would guess that open was just about anything.  I know that this is being annoying with the details, but for those that only browse and don't submit more than once every other year, the rules are there to help clear all of this up without having to drone on and on about it.  Like I am doing now...  Anyhow, very nice submissions.

well let me take this time to say my baritone was indeed Warmoth finished, unfortunately finishing, painting and such is not my strong point. My baritone actually started in 2009 with a squire tele which all I used was the body and pickguard (I like many of you have a lot of parts). I used the tele body as breadboard while I decided what I really wanted, it had at least 10 different pups, at one point it was stereo and had two artec preamps and also originally had an emg pa-2 preamp in it.

Once I settled on the electronics I then had Warmoth do the body this year. I settles on the Z because Fender released the tele bari and mine wasn't so unique...also it weighed in at well over 10lbs...in fact I use to call it my sledge hammer.

Thanx to all for viewing my bari, I first got the bari itch in the 90s when a music store I worked at sold Dan Electro baritones. I loved them but they left no mod room and I am all about mods and options :)
I think Wyliee put it best... the Ibanez body (or any factory body) is more or less uncharted ground in terms of the contest.  Cases can be stated in either direction for the submission of what looks like a pretty classy instrument.

On one hand - the contest has always been about creativity and concept.  The factory body deviates a bit from that, and memory brings no past submission such as that to mind.  In  the past, there have been other custom parts builder's parts.  And there have been one off home build body's.  Some might classify the submission as more of a repair or upgrade than creation. 

On the other hand - the submission tends to show what can be done with inginuity and some Warmoth wood.  And there was some rewiring done....

Hopefully a judgement call will be evident later today, and all later entries will also be posted.

Thanks for your understanding!
If either the body or neck is Warmoth, it meets the criteria for this month's contest.  This thing has a Warmoth neck. I don't see what the hubbub is about.  Where is the violation?

As I understand Wyliee's comment, it wasn't so much about contest eligibility, but the details of how it was done.
GOM said:
I think Wyliee put it best... the Ibanez body (or any factory body) is more or less uncharted ground in terms of the contest.  Cases can be stated in either direction for the submission of what looks like a pretty classy instrument.

On one hand - the contest has always been about creativity and concept.  The factory body deviates a bit from that, and memory brings no past submission such as that to mind.  In  the past, there have been other custom parts builder's parts.  And there have been one off home build body's.  Some might classify the submission as more of a repair or upgrade than creation. 

On the other hand - the submission tends to show what can be done with inginuity and some Warmoth wood.  And there was some rewiring done....

Hopefully a judgement call will be evident later today, and all later entries will also be posted.

Thanks for your understanding!

This is no different than a Warmoth neck on a Squier body, or Fender neck on a Warmoth body.  Both of which have been entered before without incident.
oh dear, again I must clarify...when I said me baritone was warmoth finished I was strictly talking the paint job...I read Wyliee's post again and thought maybe my point would be misunderstood...I did not paint it, that's all...
Bagman67 said:
To me, "Open" means "Open."  If it's a halfmoth, who cares what the other half is?

Big +1. Seems completely within the rules to me. Not only that, but it looks seriously badass too. Looks like a legit entry to me!
Bagman67 said:
To me, "Open" means "Open."  If it's a halfmoth, who cares what the other half is?

This: +1

JaySwear said:
Big +1. Seems completely within the rules to me. Not only that, but it looks seriously badass too. Looks like a legit entry to me!

And that: +1

I'd say it falls within the rules. Plus, it shows ingenuity. Take a guitar that you don't like, upgrade the thing and now it's a favorite. That may not be the letter of the law, but to me that captures the essence of what a Halfmoth is! Good to see that it made it into the contest.
Clear support of factory half-Moths have prevailed, with no contrary opinion.

We actually have two this month, an Ibanez and an tasty paisley Fender
My face when I see this month's entries:

.....  Holy Crap  :o

Thought I'd take the month off, this time around and glad I did.

Now which one or two or three or four or five or six or seven or eight or nine or ten etc etc would I like  :icon_scratch:

Gee .... don't make it easy will ya.
Yeah, votes are going to be spread pretty thin this month. Lotta choices, all good. Winner's liable to edge in by 1 or 2 votes with a small total.
Late to the party as usual since the decision has already been ratified, but just for the record...
Bagman67 said:
To me, "Open" means "Open."  If it's a halfmoth, who cares what the other half is?
A Big +1! It meets the rules as I read them, and it's a great build on top of that. So, welcome to friendly fracas as far as I'm concerned!  :icon_thumright:

Updown said:
.....  Holy Crap  :o
+1 on that too!!  :toothy12:
Hey everybody,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the constructive feedback. :hello2:

I also would like to say that I in no way wished to hijack the thread , just to get a feel of the general consensus.

Next I would like to thank the GOM mods and the powers that be for making a decision on such short notice. :headbang1:

And lastly now after seeing all the quality entries , maybe it would have been better not be accepted and wait for an easier month to enter ( wishful thinking I know, there's never an easy month such is the quality of builds and innovation always on display here.)