Little video on my traditional Tele build


Junior Member
Hi fellow Warmoth enthusiasts,

I wanted to share with you a little video that I made on my tele build. This one is supposed to be a really "old school" tele with just a few modern improvements. Most noticeable the compound radius - I just don't get along with Fender radii.

The guitar came out just the way I wanted and I love it. It is my fourth Warmoth ... and won't be the last.

Cheers to all of you,

Good video. Pleasant soundtrack and concise build information. Nice job on the guitar, too.
Thanks for the friendly comments everybody!  :yourock:

I did not grain fill the body. I did sand it carefully with finer and finer sandpaper until it felt really smooth to me and then I went for the oil. I really wanted the guitar the feel like wood. I had all my other Warmoth guitars finished by Warmoth and I think they do an outstanding job with it. This one feels really nice to the touch.

I wanted a real non-nonsense Tele (from previous experience I learned that all my little tries to improve on the classic models weren't all that successful and here I wanted just a Tele-Tele. I looked around for quite a while at all the Fender offerings but I could not find one that I really wanted. The vintage reissues had a fretboard radius that I did not like, the Baja tele had a finish that I did not like etc etc. Hence, after much deliberation and discussion over at the JazzGuitar forum I decided to go the Warmoth route - once more, I couldn't be any happier with it.
Ok, if you do another one a technique some use consists of sanding with the oil in order to help fill the grain.  The important thing, of course, is you have a guitar that is what you want...

Rock or jazz on...
Ah, thanks for that tip! I wasn't aware of this. I am not a skilled wood worker (or skilled at all for that matter). If I do another one that starts with an unfinished body I will take that into account and research it before I start.
Here you go, the process explained in detail. This is using Tru-oil.

