rapfohl09 said:Man you did a really nice job with that! Did you not have to tape off the sides because of the "binding"? Can you explain how that works to me?
Again nice job, really awesome color! :icon_thumright:
You need 3 strips of vinyl tape to make it. If you look at my first set of pics, I took a strip of vinyl tape along the edge of the maple top. Then butted a 2nd strip up against(below) that. This is where the faux binding will be. After that put a third strip butted up against the 2nd strip(below the 2nd peice). Then remove the 2nd strip of tape. (Middle tape strip) Mask off the top, bottem and sides. Then use lacquer, shellac, or any sealer that won't mix with whatever finish you're using and apply that to the bare wood(faux binding) I used Zimmer's clear shellac from the can mixed with 50% denatured alcohol and applied with a piece of old T-shirt. After that dries, lightly sand it smooth, then tape back over it and remove all other tape. I used Water based stain from Stew-Mac, so the thinned shellac penetrated the wood enough so that the water stain would not bleed under it.
Someone else might be better at explaining all this. I'm just not that good with instructions. :icon_biggrin:
Oh! And here's the tape I used. http://www.tcpglobal.com/3m/itemdetail.aspx?itemno=MMM+6405