
Kustom Kraft 1830 Tribute Guitar

What a GREAT piece of work, man!! SO COOL! And, if it's OK with you, I'm gonna use the line ''I live on a dead end dirt road'' in a song...is it OK?
Also, you and this project turned me on to Spitfire Guards, and I've used one on a Strat project of mine...Thanks for all of that, and congratulations on the fruition of your extreme creativity!! Hat's off to ya! 
Go right ahead! The more music there is in the world the better off we'll all be.

Yeah Spitfire is a really cool dude. Looking at modern tort is gross, somebody needed to do what he does.
Very cool, I like it a lot! Nice demo too, sounds awesome. Never seen that "Blender" before, interesting.

Hopefully this is not too Necro-Post, but here are Dan and Mick from That Pedal Show playing my axe . . . and yes, that's Dan's happy face, haha


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