My daughter has spoken: Black hardware and no pickguard. She is a rebel :headbang4: .
The body arrived yesterday. It looked darn near exact to the Warmoth pics with a bit less yellow, which I appreciated. There were two small clear coat surface scratches which I can't photograph, and a small raised glob of finish in the neck pocket which I'll sand down. Everything else was perfect. One thing that did surprise me, is the Korina has a bit of depth to it. Under the right light, some of the streaks are figured like you sometimes see in nice mahogany. I can't capture it in the pic, but it's pretty cool.
Now for a few lessons learned.
This is more for folks that stumble into this thread with the idea of converting a showcase Tele to a humbucker bridge route. I'm confirming there will be a gap in the route, and a pickup ring will not cover it. If you want to build a custom pickup ring plan on expanding the bevel by 4.6mm to cover the entire thing.
The raised glob of finish. Not a big deal, but a reminder to check your neck pocket before installing your neck. The finish is hard and my neck will not sit flush until I clean it up.
This was my first time installing string ferrules. It sucked. The ferrules do not fit due to finish inside the holes. I opted to try the soldering iron method of installing them. While I was able to get them seated, I still needed to hammer them home. Do not make the same mistake I made and attempt to press them in with your finger after seating them with the soldering iron! Complete brain lapse that literally burned a reminder into both my brain and thumb :doh:
A few more observations.
For the life of me I can not run the neck pickup wires through the channel to the control cavity. It appears the channel was drilled with a less than 90* elbow rather than a straight line from the pickup cavity to the controls. It's also drilled very tight to the point I may need to strip the outer wire casing to snake everything through. I tried for an hour to pass through different gauges of wire, a small piece of thin cable, even a fishing line, and I was unable to navigate the bend. I might need to redrill the run. Any tips would be appreciated.
Thank god this is my kid's guitar and not mine. The gloss black, and black hardware, are absolute fingerprint magnets. If you're OCD like me, stay away from dark gloss colors or expect a full-blown anxiety attack. How I survived this long in life is a mystery, but those darn fingerprints almost took me out. This guitar will be banished to the basement and out of sight
