
jazzcaster body just arrived


Junior Member
:sad: So my chambered ash jazzcaster body just arrived in the mail today. I took her out for inspection and found a nice lil ding on the back side near the horn.  Disappointing. I realize ash has to be grain filled anyways but to find a ding in a new body right out of the box is just no good.
That's a nice ding. You're going to have to take your new baby to the dentist to get that cavity filled. Were you planning to put something transparent on there, or a solid finish? If solid, it's no biggie. Some Timbermate filler is the stuff to use. Full strength for the cavity, and diluted for grain filling. If it's to be transparent, you're in trouble. That's too much to hide and too much to steam out.
yeah its been a toss up between surf green and orange. Its def too much to steam out. it was a screamin deal but there's nothing posted about those deals being damaged in any way. I ordered a cabronita body before from the screamin deals section and didnt notice anything wrong with it. what was done to the cabby body was done by UPS. Big ol ding in the box.
That's not cool to get your brand new body with a dent.  Please contact us at Warmoth and we can bring it back for repair or give you some other options.

Sandy Hosfelt
Snacks said:
That's not cool to get your brand new body with a dent.  Please contact us at Warmoth and we can bring it back for repair or give you some other options.

Sandy Hosfelt
That's how they do it at Warmoth.  :occasion14:

And why we keep coming back.
I think it depends on your area. I never have trouble with UPS, but the USPS does a less than stellar job. On the other hand, I've got a buddy down in Florida who has just the opposite situation. UPS packages often show up looking like they've been used by gorillas rehearsing an American Tourister commercial, while the USPS parcels are always in pristine condition.
Cagey said:
I think it depends on your area. I never have trouble with UPS, but the USPS does a less than stellar job. On the other hand, I've got a buddy down in Florida who has just the opposite situation. UPS packages often show up looking like they've been used by gorillas rehearsing an American Tourister commercial, while the USPS parcels are always in pristine condition.
Ya, I think the UPS guys down here think the boxes must be Texas tough, 'cause I've got a lot of packages that look like they've gone thru a Cowtown rodeo via a soccer match on Mars.
:dontknow:  Could sand / re-shape it slightly, it's on the back.

Is that the body with a 2Tek bridge rout in it ?

If so .... Darn you, I had that in my shopping cart, went to pay for it & it was gone  :sad:
Oh well ... good to see it here  :icon_thumright:
I think its just my luck. Ive had two warmoth body so far. One sent ups and one sent usps and both had issues when they arrived. I ended up getting a nice hybrid tele pickguard for the ding. Not a bad trade off I dont think. Its not the one you wanted. This one is routed for a normal vintage tele bridge. So my question is will the gotoh bridge, wilkinson or joe barden bridge fit this as well? I started grain filling with some dry wall mud last night. the ding filled up nicely. I sanded it down some so it wasnt as deep and all is well. I just hope it stays in there and doesnt fall out. If so...first part of a relic guitar i suppose.
loversmoon said:
I think its just my luck. Ive had two warmoth body so far. One sent ups and one sent usps and both had issues when they arrived. I ended up getting a nice hybrid tele pickguard for the ding. Not a bad trade off I dont think. Its not the one you wanted. This one is routed for a normal vintage tele bridge. So my question is will the gotoh bridge, wilkinson or joe barden bridge fit this as well? I started grain filling with some dry wall mud last night. the ding filled up nicely. I sanded it down some so it wasnt as deep and all is well. I just hope it stays in there and doesnt fall out. If so...first part of a relic guitar i suppose.

The Wilky and Gotoh bridges fit for sure, and my guess is the Barden part will, too.  The dimensions are standard for the classic Tele bridge mount - four screws north of the string-through holes.
thanks bagman. I started the grain fill process. hit it with the non wax shellac (zinnzer's in a can) but i can still barely feel the grain. should i hit it with the grain filler again or will the primer level it out ?
It's all good I think. The grooves I was feeling was the shellac. I had some shiny spots that needed to be leveled down. Got it all dull now and it feels very smooth
and for the record warmoth rocks  :party07:!!  They are sending my pickguard free of charge for the ding.! now that boys and girls is GREAT customer service! :rock-on: