
It is time.... TO DROOL!!

That body and fingerboard are absolutely awesome! :icon_biggrin:

Leave it fretless though!
I've been wanting to build a fretless Strat for so long now, dammit!

OTOH, it's probably a better idea to go with a metal board for a guitar.
Death by Uberschall said:
The only thing that could make that body any better would be a slight honey or tobacco burst around the edges.  :o

Yeah that would've been lovely, especially on the mahogany part. Though the money was starting to fade away and the more customized job would've taken up more time, so I'm perfectly happy!  :occasion14:
I've made a few fretless guitars the conventional way (heh heh) and the lack of sustain on the unwound strings is a real problem for me (why so many people resort to a sustainer pickup). One of them was a solid  maple-bodied Aria Pro II, so there's not too much more you can do with the body unless you build a granite one or something... heh heh. I would really like to build a FIVE-string fretless some day, on a six-sting platform. You could use all wound strings on a five, .022" - .070" or so. If you've played fretless bass much, you know that the way to play certain chords accurately is with two fingertips side-by-side, so the extra width between strings would be a help.

The five-sting bridge would have to be curved to accommodate the radius, but not intonated - a piece of brass bar would do. I have read that auto glass shops can cut and bend you a glass fretboard pretty easily and not too expensive, because cutting and bending glass is what they do...
So many projects, so little time & money. Venture capitalists, plz apply.... :cool01:
News update! No new pictures yet, but to make this sweet thing even sexier, I've decided to (once the money allows) get a pair of Lundgren M6 pickups! Going to be one hell of an expensive build, but I think the M6's would fit great.  :party07:
NonsenseTele said:
Don't know these pickups, but I believe they're custom made, right? might be good ^^

Yeah, it's a boutique pickup, but they don't cost that much more than a DiMarzio pickup and they seem awfully nice.  :hello2:

The fretwork is done!  :hello2:

Took some pictures while dropping by to hand over some pots/knobs. So far it's looking great, the frets look a lot more golden IRL though.
NonsenseTele said:
Very very nice!!! :D
Time to see it completed! :P

That will take another 2.5 weeks sadly, it should be done about next week, but I'm on vacation until the 7th of August. =(
Those frets look silly  :laughing7:

I would love to know how they work though.

I wonder how they cut the slots for them?
rapfohl09 said:
Those frets look silly  :laughing7:

I would love to know how they work though.

I wonder how they cut the slots for them?
"Supposedly" they work well, but I never tried them.

I'm sure it's CNC cut, doing that by hand would be nearly impossible.
Death by Uberschall said:
"Supposedly" they work well, but I never tried them.

i'd love to try them too. not sure where i'd find them though! last time i asked about "true temperament" in a music store they told me they keep their temperatures very steady.

just kidding, that didn't happen. but thats how i see it going.
I can't get my head wrapped around the notion of what actually happens when you bend a B or G string a whole step or something? It seems like they'd be specifically good for matching chordal intonation exactly with a piano player, for when you're both playing the exact same rhythm parts. Which I don't want to do.... :laughing3:
I'll be making a couple of videos to go more in-depth about True Temperament, so if you're wondering anything just ask and I'll try to answer your questions as good as I can.

To answer some;

1. Yes, it's a CNC cut. That's part of the reason why it's expensive, those machines cost a crapload.  :icon_biggrin:

2. Bending is not a problem. You bend until the note isn't flat anymore. It's like with a Floyd, you just bend and bend until you're there  :laughing7:

3. It's definitely not just for playing with a piano. Pianos are actually tuned to Equal Temperament like a guitar and are tuned flat on the low end and sharp on the high end to enable you to play in any key. The Thidell Formula 1 is made specifically to make common "guitar-keys" more in tune than with Equal Temperament. Especially thirds will be a lot more in tune.

I'll be back with more answers and videos once the guitar arrives and I'm home again.  :)
Well, I'd like you to, on these videos, make bends on the specially bented frets, like 1st and 5th... Would be a great move to end the myth about beingind on TT frets (or get it strong :laughing7:)