Kaoskadosk said:
Well, I use my card for everything, I don't like running around with $450 in real money. You see, we're modern here and use cards instead of cash. <grin>
We use cards here, too. I think we might have actually invented them. Usually about the only people who'd run around carrying that kind of money on them are criminals who tend to stay away from banks or other institutions that keep track of things and leave paper trails. I just said "real" money as I converted it to dollars, which are a better point of reference to most people than Kroner. You tell somebody they have to pay 3400 Kroner, or X Yen, or Y Pesos, or X Francs, it's likely they won't know how much that is. But, $450? That rings a bell.
Anyway, my point really was how much folks get taxed for things outside the US. People here think it would be great if they had "free" health care like everybody else, but they usually have no idea how much "free" health care costs. We pay taxes on things, but on something like a $1,000 order from Warmoth, it's usually between $0 and $80, depending on the state you live in and whether you even bother to claim you bought something.