Usually about the only people who'd run around carrying that kind of money on them are criminals who tend to stay away from banks or other institutions that keep track of things and leave paper trails.
Hate to toast yer biscuit, but there are HUGE cash economies in areas of the United States. I lived and worked in Austin TX and Miami FL when the restaurant biz was largely "maintained" by money-laundering drug dealers, and there was lots of cash flowing around - construction trades, too. If people do get paid by checks, they run to the issuing bank and cash it immediately. When I was doing catering, if it was my job I'd carry around a big roll, and on other people's jobs they'd be carrying it... I mean
thousands, cause everybody you hire expects to be paid in cash. The downside of skating on taxes is, there's not as much Social Security, unemployment benefits (I never even bothered, somebody'd always hire me to do
something) and of course the government has less money to spend killing foreigners with - not that they'd tax the billionaires or something. I do like roads, and police & firemen, and infrastructure n' stuff....
"The really rich people figure out how to dodge taxes anyway."
- George W. Bush, explaining why he won't tax the rich, Annandale, Virginia, Aug. 9, 2004
One of the great untold stories down in the Gulf right now is that the fishermen have been subsiding on an illegal, untaxed fishing economy for decades, forever, really. So when British Petroleum tells them "Bring in your income tax statement and we'll give you a subsistence payment", they've only been declaring a quarter of their income... uh oh.
"BWA HA HA HA HA", sez British Petroleum.
I live in a big fishy economy (Chesapeake Bay) right now, and there seem to be plenty of "watermen" who work five months a year crabbing and oystering, but they've got a big new truck, a city house
and a farm, collect unemployment while they're bootlegging as carpenters in the offseason - and they're staunch Republicans, and they hate "welfare" for all those lazy people. Moral: We're pretty weird here, too.... lotsa criminals, I guess. :dontknow: