
iPhones are the coolest things since Diet Coke!

It almost sacrilege in the deep south of the US to make a Pecan pie with anything but HFCS!  :icon_biggrin:
That's true.

It's not that regular folks never use it, it's just not common. You buy a bottle for a recipe that calls for it (like pecan pie), then what's left of it sits in the cupboard for 7 or 8 years until you finally toss it.
Great Ape said:
Ummmm....Doug; who said anything about FLIP PHONES?!? I said 'F-U-Phone', an' that's flippin' somethin' else entirely!  :laughing7:
Oh, Ok my bad. I thought it was just a typo...I still hate flip phones... :toothy12:
Dan0 said:
DangerousR6 said:
Dan0 said:
Jumble Jumble said:
I think you'll find that this one was anything but fruitless. It involved, at the very least, Apple.
which are bad for you because they contain sugar apparently.....  :tard:
I like my apples with high fructose corn syrup.. :icon_biggrin:

fructose is just a kind of sugar. the only think bad about corn syrup is that it's cheaper than real sugar (thanks to your tax dollars) and finds it's way into all kinds of things that would normally have sugar but would be more expensive. why not buy products with corn syrup? you already payed for the stuff with tax money so ya might as well consume it and get your moneys worth and what better way than to bake it into a delicious pie. unless you are trying to boycott corn subsidies or something. then you may as well just stop paying taxes..
It was joke DanO. Apples have their own natural sugar. Most sugars now days are replaced with corn suryp, it's cheaper...Sarcasm.. :icon_biggrin: