It really is an awesome, fun place to work, and many aspects of it are very rewarding, creatively speaking, but it is still a very serious job that has to be taken seriously, and that can tend to be a bit of a "hair splitting" issue for some people. It's an extremely high cost, low profit industry in general, and Ken is probably one of the very few people short of PRS, and maybe a small handful of other builders that have a similar size business (50 employees). Everyone has to do their job and do it expertly well, or the whole process suffers for it. One mistake can be very costly, I know, I've made a few of them.
With that being said, I had the time of my life while working there, but it definitely had its stressful moments, after all, it is a high production customer service environment and if any of you have ever worked in one, especially one that cranks out the volume that Warmoth does, and does so with an English Only/Speaking staff on an international level, I'm sure you can appreciate all of the nuances that make Warmoth the success that it has been for the past 30 years.