Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
I really wish you wouldn't have shared that. We've heard the reasons why there can't be tours, what with liability and space and all, and you just casually mention that!
I've heard those reasons before, which why I was very surprised when I was told that I should just "drop by" one day when I was in the area. I didn't ask for it - it was extended as a special invitation, which I humbly accepted. But I was clearly told it definitely wasn't standard operating procedure, and that I was free to mention it on the forums if I wanted.
For a while I wasn't sure whether I should even mention it at all. My intent was not to rub it in anyone's face or brag about it. I apologize if it was perceived that way. I know a lot of people would love to be given the same opportunity, and I do sympathize.
As part of the tour, my wife and I got the chance to see just about everything in the shop, with the exception of the paint room, the server closet, any super-secret development laboratories where future products are designed and tested, or the storage sheds. I didn't get to see anything that hadn't been publicly announced yet. You can get the same general feel of the tour by looking at the shop pictures on their website.
But anyway, the point I was trying to get across was that the shop was well organized and efficiently run, and the people there seemed to be genuinely enjoying the work they do. I've always felt that Warmoth has set high standards for quality, and it was even more rewarding to see that they run a smooth operation there. I think that was the most important thing I took away from the tour. The people at Warmoth really love their jobs and put their heart and soul into the finished product.
Max said:
Well, Tubby.Twins has stock in Warmoth. Have you seen his Wall of Investment?
That being said, who should I talk to when I get to Washington?
I don't own any stock in the company. I am merely a happy customer. And the general trend seems to be that you need to apply for employment at Warmoth in order to get a tour of the shop and meet the good people who work there. I can't help you with that.