
Ibanez parts - a market gap needing to be filled

The irony didn't hit me the first time I saw this thread but....

The thought of Ibanez suing someone for copying their design is, while not only plausible but likely, still very ironic.
In the md-late 70's, when Ibanez was the two bit upstart Asian manufacturer, they made copies of well known guitars, and got sued. These items are known as "Lawsuit Ibanezes" and I actually have a bass that was a copy of the most sue happy bunch of  @!#$  @#$ to ever walk the planet, even breathing down the necks of people to this very day trying to sell their collectibles from the era. It's just as wierd and yucky as the original, and I've been meaning to sell it for like the last 10 years, because I never ever ever play it.
Big R, as in WW I flying ace misspelled. I bought it for my first bass. Now, I don't know why someone would ever want to copy such hideious design.
Actually Ibanez guitars were first produced back in the 40's. Ibanez was a Spanish guitar player and Hoshino was the Asian company he hooked up with. So they weren't actually an upstart manufacturer 30 years later. Their quality was generally pretty darn good too, especially compared to the crap being spewed by Fender and Gibson. Otherwise the company wouldn't have flourished.