
Ibanez JEM style bass!


Epic Member
This is the coolest thing ever. :icon_biggrin:

I want one! (But with a J pickup and a 3 way blade switch. -Or- perhaps a mudbucker at the neck and dual outputs, like an Attitude bass.)
I really do like this thing, but it took me a second to figure out they were gold screws. With that dusty bridge I just immediately thought they were rusty :icon_biggrin:
JaySwear said:
I really do like this thing, but it took me a second to figure out they were gold screws. With that dusty bridge I just immediately thought they were rusty :icon_biggrin:

I'm not a fan of the screws, or the cheap bridge.
Those could be swapped easily, though. :blob7:

I'm especially a fan that whoever built this bass didn't opt for the horrid gold hardware that too many white JEMs are plagued with. :icon_biggrin:
I'm usually not one for the monkey grip, but that looks sweet, never seen a Jem bass before,.... :icon_thumright: