I have got to stop looking at Warmoth's site...


Master Member
I hate it when I see something and HAVE to have it.  Too bad it isn't rear-routed.  Funny thing is, I initially ordered it with a universal route, as I'm planning double humbuckers.  I got a call from Warmoth this morning asking me if I was sure that is what I wanted, since "it would be unusual to universal route a body with such a unique finish."  I told the guy that they shouldn't have top routed it if they were so concerned about the finish.  He didn't really have a response for that. 

Ultimately, I just told them to make it an HSH route; extra support for the pickguard, right?  :toothy12:


You got good taste, my ol' friend! This is a stunning body, I really like it and if I had $$$, it could be mine before than yours  :laughing7:
Just a shame it's top routed  :sad: But the quilt and that finish... WOW  :eek:
NonsenseTele said:
You got good taste, my ol' friend! This is a stunning body, I really like it and if I had $$$, it could be mine before than yours  :laughing7:
Just a shame it's top routed  :sad: But the quilt and that finish... WOW  :eek:

Thanks bud!  Looks like you could go swimming in it.  :icon_thumright:
Yes! That matches also with girls wearing bikinis (don't let your wife read it  :help:)  :laughing7:
What is going in it? Already have an idea?
Oh Doc, you've got it bad! What is that, like the 8th shredder strat in the last three months!!! :toothy12: :help: :toothy12:
Looks like you'll have a beauty there.
I know I'm nuts, but I like the back of that better than the front. Either way it's pretty cool. :icon_thumright:
Well, that thing is just stunning.

But why not just cut up the pickguard you get to a different shape so you can see more wood?Maybe go all artsy and make some carving like drawings in it, just on the pickguard that is.
Did you order a new neck or is this what you had planned with that orphaned neck?  :icon_biggrin:
I usually don't like blue or Quilt that much, but this is really nice!
very hypnotizing!
Blue313 said:
Did you order a new neck or is this what you had planned with that orphaned neck?  :icon_biggrin:

go for a bloodwood neck, just for the interresting contrast... :)
may possibly look crap though  :laughing7:
DocNrock said:
NonsenseTele said:
You got good taste, my ol' friend! This is a stunning body, I really like it and if I had $$$, it could be mine before than yours  :laughing7:
Just a shame it's top routed  :sad: But the quilt and that finish... WOW  :eek:

Thanks bud!  Looks like you could go swimming in it.   :icon_thumright:

Woulda been easier with the swimming pool route!  :laughing7:
Wow Doc... :eek: That's a crazy ass quilt...And really why they so concerned about how you want it routed? :icon_scratch: I would have never top routed something that nice to begin with as you stated...
GoDrex said:
I know I'm nuts, but I like the back of that better than the front. Either way it's pretty cool. :icon_thumright:
Yes you are nuts...."Nuttier than a squirrel turd"..... :laughing11:
DangerousR6 said:
GoDrex said:
I know I'm nuts, but I like the back of that better than the front. Either way it's pretty cool. :icon_thumright:
Yes you are nuts...."Nuttier than a squirrel turd"..... :laughing11:
:laughing11: :laughing3: :icon_jokercolor: :toothy12:  I haven't heard THAT one before!

Thanks for the kind words.  This finish would have been killer on a VIP, but I'll take it on a Strat.  Yes, Tim, this will be my 8th W, but my 4th Strat (you're right, I've got it BAD  :laughing7:).  Dan and Marko, I'm thinking a maple/maple neck, possibly with the warhead headstock, not sure yet.  I'm undecided on quartersawn vs. birdseye vs. flame, though.  Fernando, it will have a Floyd, and the hardware will be chrome, and it will have double humbuckers.  I'm still undecided on pups, but they will be DiMarzios.  My preliminary thought is a Mo Joe in the bridge and a PAF 35th Anniversary in the neck.  Alternatively, a Tone Zone bridge and a Humbucker from Hell in the neck.  Hmmm.  :icon_scratch:
I nearly pulled the trigger on that several times in the last 3 weeks, I can't imagine that body with anything but singles in it, and the mention of a swimmingpool route almost made me cry.

So now you just gotta make it look good whatever you do, congrats, I really like that one....