Okay, when we last left our intrepid (or maybe it's insipid?) hero, he was trying to find a new nut for his P-bass. Unfortunately, no one had one in his current home town, and because the warmoth pocket is flat and not curved, nobody on line did either. There WAS a place that had one that looked like it would work, and I paid for two day shipping to get it by Friday.
unfortunately, to this particular company, 'Two Days' actually meant 'Five or Six Days'.
Words were exchanged, and they're in a lot of trouble with Amazon now. In fact I think I got more money back than I spent on it.
Of course, this left me without a nut, and no sign of one showing up anytime this month.
So, after some whining and whinging on my part and a bit of a scolding by Aircap. This morning I went and bought me a piece of ebony from the only place in town that sells it, WoodCraft - who were open today, amazingly. By piece I mean 1 x 3/4 x 6 inches. So yeah, I needed to cut a 1.3" strip off the long side.
Now all I have currently is my old table saw, which I really need to get a new blade for. Haven't touched it in about 4 years since I started my new 12 hour 7 day a week job (with no time off for good behavior). It didn't cut through the block so much as burn through it. Ever try to cut a 1.3 inch wide strip of wood off of a small rectangle block on a table saw?
And it being ebony and the blade being dull, it was literally smoking. Lots of lubricant was used. Also a table saw is not exactly a precision instrument. But thankfully the fourth strip was just about right. Only had to sand it a little while to get the right thickness. I then used a dremel to cut off the right length strip, then cut that strip in half to get the right height.
I didn't glue it in, it was too tight for that, I actually had to lightly tap it in with a small hammer. It's pretty much an exact fit.
For the notches, I'm a bit worried about my placement. Nobody gives a nice easy road map with measurements and I spent a lot of time looking at a lot of different places online before I settled on what I did. I'm a little bit worried that maybe the E-string could have been one or two hundreds closer to the edge, but I think the rest are fine.
So I set the nut height, then sanded off a bunch of the excess that was sticking up more than it needed to be.
Now to check truss rod and bridge height again, as I mentioned I just did the nut height. Then I can set intonation, and call it good.
If the world ends in the next few hours, totally my fault for finishing this.