
I am a HTML n00b


Epic Member
Okay, how do I embed a photo in my signature?

The instructions here have not yielded salutory results.


Simple Machines forum help is unhelpful as well.

Thanks in advance, y'all.


the board doesn't use html, it uses it's own language.
you have to first save your picture and place it somewhere on the internet like flickr or photobucket, then get the direct link to that.  (right click, view image) so that you have a long address that ends with .jpg or .png.
Then place it inbetween tags, the latter having a / to end it.
I added an image of how it should look.  It's just like adding pictures to a comment really.

The original picture was a .png file which has transparencies, by saving it as a .jpg you lose those and it looks funny when used in a signature.  I'm not sure if the board stores those, but if I made one I can repost it or make you a new one, if you're interested in that.


Ah, now that's what I was shooting for.  I actually like the opaque JPG, rather than the .png with transparencies, but I appreciate your generous offer, sir.

AutoBat said:
Rats, i already did it :P

Autobat is da' man :icon_thumright:  He just helped me get mine in my signature a couple days ago.
Hey, how did you get that "click here to view" out of the pick?  I got the transparency like you showed me yesterday, but I still have that "click here to view showing."
A very good and free Windows image editor (as an alternative to PS) is Paint.Net

It has all the elements necessary to edit and manipulate an image easily. Others like Gimp are also quite good and user-friendly.