
Hyde & Jekyl Lives !!!!

Corey P. said:
Love the pinstripes, looking forward to seeing the final result!

........ thanks, me too, i've been working on it for awhile, i'm still a little undecided with the neck, i have a few ideas in my head, i'll figure it out ....
twinturrbo406 said:
...i'm still a little undecided with the neck, i have a few ideas in my head, i'll figure it out ....

That's a bit dark relative to many mahogany bodies, so you might want to consider a walnut neck. I had the same issue with mine, and I'm pretty pleased with the results. I also used a black pickguard, but I think I'm going to change it to cream. It's just too dark overall. Needs some contrast somewhere.
Cagey said:
twinturrbo406 said:
...i'm still a little undecided with the neck, i have a few ideas in my head, i'll figure it out ....

That's a bit dark relative to many mahogany bodies, so you might want to consider a walnut neck. I had the same issue with mine, and I'm pretty pleased with the results. I also used a black pickguard, but I think I'm going to change it to cream. It's just too dark overall. Needs some contrast somewhere.

..... do you have any pics of the Walnut neck ?? ..... Yeah, the Mahogany really changed color and depth when we finsh/clear'd it ...... at first i was a little concerned, lol, it had a little pink tint to it, i was like " OH NO !!! "  :dontknow:
twinturrbo406 said:
... do you have any pics of the Walnut neck ??  

Yeah, probably, but they're tough to cull out. I did find some fit-up shots that'll give you some idea of how the walnut matches up with the mahogany, which is probably more to the point anyway...


You can see how the black pickguard is just too much. Needs to be cream. In fact, I'd be tempted to change the hardware to chrome as well, but that bridge was a bitch to get and I don't know what I'd do with it if I took it off.


The neck is finished in clear lacquer, the body isn't finished yet; that's just stain/sealer/filler. I expect it'll darken up a bit more once I put some clear on it.
Thanks. It's a heavy little rascal, though. I don't have a scale that's accurate in that range, but I'll bet it's 9 pounds.

Need to finish that up so I can play with the candy tangerine Strat. Finally found a place to get the bridge I want, but it'll probably be a couple weeks before I get it as it's coming out of Germany. Sure was an expensive part. He who must not be named keeps literally printing money, so the dollar's been dropping in value like a rock. Makes all that fun European stuff pretty expensive. On the plus side, it makes the three or four things we still manufacture here attractive to the Europeans. Unfortunately, they don't buy enough of it at any price so it doesn't add up to squat and the trade imbalance just keeps getting worse.
I love the subtle touch of the airbrushed shadows on the tribal flames.  Very nice!
crash said:
I love the subtle touch of the airbrushed shadows on the tribal flames.  Very nice!

....... thanks, they call it lifting, it adds depth and an illusion of floating, i thought it was pretty cool trick, i cant wait to see the back, my painter says it's better then the front, i guess i'll see ..lol ...
I never did click on the photo to blow it up in the first post.  I didn't even notice the tribal work.  I thought that was just glare from a really glossy finish.  But yeah, that does look like it's floating.  How do they do that?
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom Uber-Dangerous said:
I never did click on the photo to blow it up in the first post.  I didn't even notice the tribal work.  I thought that was just glare from a really glossy finish.  But yeah, that does look like it's floating.  How do they do that?

.... it's a really simple trick, once you're all masked & taped up, you just fog-in a little black under or around the tribal in the areas the design allows room and bammo, it floats, it mostly looks like a shadow so many people's instinct is not to see those areas, your eyes just think the tribal is above the surface ...... he's done it on some cars and mostly motorcycles and helmets, it took him a bit to get into the guitar thing, lol, he thought i was crazy for wanting all that color over top of the pretty wood, lol ..... i told him not worry, it was too much wood color for me anyways, lol ....... he was skeered  :sad1:
........ well guys, i just got the body back from the painter, and i think it turned out great, the colors really reach out and grab you, which is what i was after, thought you guys might like a peek, oh, Dangerous finished the neckplate also, which i think adds that really custom touch ........


Dude, that's pretty spectacular....I love the natural finish with the grafix....That's kick ass... :headbang1: