
How not to do it

After seeing that, I had to run home and make sure my own Wenge neck was still OK... :sad:
Jusatele said:
Interesting thing is those drums have never been played.
So, why would a guy have drums unused, a Bass unused and reliced, real bad relicing job too. he sanded circles around the knobs and a few body wear points and a neck wear point.
And a unassembled guitar. no post for the bridge even drilled?
I think we have some guy who wanted to start a band, maxed out his CC buying the stuff. Found out he does a lousy job at finish work, and figured out how much more it will cost to get the rest of what he wants and is trying to bail so he can get his family some presents.
In a way I feel sorry for the guy. looks to be  more than a grand into it and needs a way out, but with the pure amateurish attempts he made he is going to find out the drums may sell, but the others are going be a hard sell, hence the no return policy, he knows he F(*$^& UP.  And figures that Because you cannot really see something on ebay, he can off it with a no return policy.   
He has just crossed over to a scammer on ebay, Like so many of the ebay sellers, is trying to off something on a unsuspecting innocent person.
One thing is I guess we all can be happy we found someplace that shares the knowledge of how to do it right. I would be pissed if I had spent that kind of money and eneded up with what he has.
A fool and his money, both him and whoever buys from him.  There should be a way to warn the public about those items.

My guess is him and his fat friends (all three of them are fat lumps in my mind for some reason...) said "Hey we should totally start a band" after a 2:00 AM trip to the Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell, he went out and bought all the instruments, destroyed his guitar as displayed here, then his friends realized,  "Wow, man.  You're too big of a Douche even for us..." and left him with his crap.  :doh:
Here is the reply I received after showing interest in who did the body....
"I did it myself with a fine paintbrush with cream lacquer paint, I used to be an Art major, so you just have to follow the natural edge of the body, and try to keep the lines as tight as possible. That's about it, but I just don't have the time anymore for anymore projects, way too busy, but thanks for asking"
I guess "had it done" sounds better than "painted myself"
scartozi said:
Here is the reply I received after showing interest in who did the body....
"I did it myself with a fine paintbrush with cream lacquer paint, I used to be an Art major, so you just have to follow the natural edge of the body, and try to keep the lines as tight as possible. That's about it, but I just don't have the time anymore for anymore projects, way too busy, but thanks for asking"
I guess "had it done" sounds better than "painted myself"
no wonder the asphat lines are so friggin wide and look wavy, he did not even tape it!!!!!! What an amateur, even a chimpanzee knows to tape off area you do not want to get paint on. I bet he brushed the minwax also, he claims to have sprayed it, but then why didn't he tape and spray the binding.
Used to be a Art Major, you are or you are not, not used to be, I mean I majored in History, not used to be a history major. Wonder what kindergarten he majored at and if he got to use the skinny crayons yet?
LMAO at the idea that this guy could be an art major. :tard:

I'm guessing he says he "used to be" an art major because he dropped out, realizing he had no talent for it.
Thanks to Line6Man for showing me this thread.

That neck is an abomination!  The body looks like a total mistake of an "over-spraying" attempt with hand painting!!!!

I'm finding it hard to feel sorry for this idiot...
bagman67 said:
Behold this unfortunate neck for sale on the 'bay:


Hand-painted (and you can tell!) Fender logo and headstock binding, and 7-8 coats of poly on a wenge '59 roundback!  A beautiful neck magically transformed into an ugly P.O.S.

Minimum bid for this "quick sell" is $360 - plus whatever elbow grease you need to put into undoing the mistakes of the seller.


What a Tool. That neck is worth exactly one match and a gallon of gas.

swarfrat said:
Used to be an art major.

How do you flunk out of ART?

It was actually probally that he got KICKED out. The art program at my college is very proud of the people that come out of it. They have a first year "Foundations" class, and if your no good, they kick you out of the program.
tat is funny, My first year of art I had to equip the art studio with a welder and grinders and metal saw and clamps. Seemed they wanted to ask me what I did and did not have the equipment, told me that welding was not art, so I got in the lab one weekend and welded up a sculpture of an entire band. I got to class Monday afternoon and there was a huge debate going on between the staff as to what art was. I pointed to an abstract painting then to the sculpture and asked what was the difference?
My GPA was helped by the scores I kept getting in art, and it was a minor to me. I do not know why, but it seems that some of my work can really push the bounds of abstract.
to be fair I dropped out of Art because my Professors were morons who never taught technique, and it was too damn expensive for me to afford.
I dare someone to send him a link to this thread  :icon_jokercolor:
HA!!!  :blob7: :blob7: :blob7: :blob7: :blob7: :blob7: DO ITTTT! :toothy10: :toothy10: :occasion14: :evil4:
Good Lord.

I mean when MOST people screw up, they get orange peel or sand-throughs, or drill a hole in the wrong spot, or maybe over-file a string nut. They don't friggin paint a Fender logo with white out or dip a wenge neck into a toilet full of varnish. What a colossal failure and his feeble attempts at pimping it are hilarious.

Thanks for posting this.
