
How much meat on a Precision neck?


Junior Member
I don't think I did enough research before ordering my precision bass neck - it's 43mm wide at the nut and a standard profile, which apparently is pretty standard for a vintage P bass... I just wish I had access to a vintage P so I would have known this is not for me 😂😥

Selling this neck and replacing new neck is likely to put me in the hole for $750 (low resale, high shipping and import fees), so I might look to resolve in my own workshop.

Just how much meat is on the profile before I am likely to reveal the truss rod? I'll look to take 1 - 2 mm off to emulate a slim profile, but not sure if the truss rod sits deeper in standard profile (vs slim) or if it's same same.

And anything I need to know about working roasted maple prior to getting started? Will be my first time working on this wood type.
Well i'll be. I hit the neck with sandpaper for an hour, knocking back where my hand was interfering with the profile. I probably took only 1mm off the back, 2mm off the steep of the shoulders, and it feels like an entirely new guitar. 120G sanding belt rocking back and forth, then 240G and 400G block sanding to rub out any scratches.

I'd like to go the next level and take 2mm off the nut / neck width. But I think my stainless frets would make short work of any sandpaper I put near it.
Not of the process. Only the results.

Here is is after three rubs of tru oil. You'd never know.




Still thinking on how to reduce nut width. Neck plays way better after reducing the profile heft.
I think it would be even better if I could get the nut width from the current 43mm as measured down to about 41mm. But I think that's better done during the height of summer (middle of winter in Australia right now). Fret ends will probably sprout in six months if I try do that now.