For me it depends on where you intend on using it.
I keep it to a minimum on my main axe , just Vol / Tone and a 5 way .
It is used stricly in the studio , where I prefer to keep most of the tone outboard .
On my current project , I have however indulged in Volume / Tone / Blender / and 2 EMG boosts the SPC for +6db mids/ bass , and the Afterburner for 20 db boost/ Coil taps for 3 pickups.
This guitar is more stage oriented so having fingertip controls makes it more convienient.
I keep it to a minimum on my main axe , just Vol / Tone and a 5 way .
It is used stricly in the studio , where I prefer to keep most of the tone outboard .
On my current project , I have however indulged in Volume / Tone / Blender / and 2 EMG boosts the SPC for +6db mids/ bass , and the Afterburner for 20 db boost/ Coil taps for 3 pickups.
This guitar is more stage oriented so having fingertip controls makes it more convienient.