
How many switches is to many.

For me it depends on where you intend on using it.

I keep it to a minimum on my main axe , just Vol / Tone and a 5 way . 
It is used stricly in the studio , where I prefer to keep most of the tone outboard . 

On my current project , I have however indulged  in Volume / Tone / Blender / and 2 EMG boosts  the SPC for +6db  mids/ bass , and the Afterburner for 20 db boost/  Coil taps for 3 pickups.
This guitar is more stage oriented so having fingertip controls makes it more convienient.
Mayfly by VOX said:
Ddbltrbl said:
I wonder if the Dead Head sticker is any clue to why he needed to label all his knobs & switches? :icon_jokercolor:

....er.... I'm getting the impression you don't know who that guy is.
Hey, a little gray hair mixed liberally with some wild oats sown in your youth can give even the greatest minds some memory problems. :laughing7:
Going to too many "Phil & Jerry" shows as a younger guy is probably why I have trouble remembering what all the knobs are for on my Strat!  :sad1: 