How Many Songs in your Repitoire and current crowd favorite?


Epic Member
Because I only have about 20 minutes a day to practice, at any moment, I only have 5 performance ready tunes.  In my back catalog I have about 50 that I can get into shape for a perfomance, and I can muddle thru them, but they aren't perfect.  Of course, I'm trying to always add or improve the the inventory.  The current crowd favorite seems to be Dancing in the Moonlight, by King Harvest.

I was wondering:
1) How many do you have performance ready
2) How many in your catalog
3) What's the current crowd favorite.

For me it's:
1) 5
2) 50
3) Dancing in the Moonlight

1) 50
2) 60-70  Could do these without the band.
3) depends on how rowdy the crowd is.  Kinda Rowdy: Fisherman's Blues.  Really Rowdy: Sonny's Dream
Well I tend to play a different set each week. How many? No clue and not going to take the time to count. I’ll put it this way.

For my current venues; for electric guitar, acoustic guitar, and bass,  I have for each qty 2 3” binders stuffed for each.  So 6 total.  I’m guessing each one holds probably 250-300 songs each.  Needless to say, there are duplicates between the instruments as well as different keys.

I’ll take a guess that I have for my current venues, about 500 songs on tap.

I have another 8 or so binders of music from venues I no longer play at.
We have 45 songs ready to play

Our repertoire is about 60 songs that we could easily do without having to rehearse first

Unfortunately, the crowd pleaser are often the songs we are a bit tired to play (aka Footloose); however, Bon Jovi and AC/DC songs never fails,
T'Bird ... that is awesome, that means you have a catalog of 1800 songs and about 500 perfomance ready.  Wow!
Oh the catalog is larger than that as I didn’t include my Motown stuff or classic rock that I remember.

I got stuff in storage. LOL

At my current venue, we currently have about 250 active (that’s not including stuff we have removed but have done previously)

Those 250 may have 3 or 4 different keys, and I may have them for lead guitar, rhythm guitar, acoustic guitar, and bass for each of those.

I have a 4 drawer file cabinet in the garage full of binders of stuff from previous venues as well.

For these venues, the easiest way to view it is as a session musician that performs publicly. I just keep all of it.

Working on a 5 song set list on bass for this week tonight. 3 are the same as somewhere before. 1 is a different key that I will need to work new voicing on. The other is totally new.
wow.  That's a load of songs!

I'm happy to say that we have a gig this coming sunday!  and our setlist will be .... 27 songs! :)
I think my goal is to have 15 perfomance ready  (a 45 minute set, plus some extra), have a current library of 50, and then cycle the excess above 50 into a back catalog.  Will I every have 1800? Man, I'm really impressed.  :yourock:
Please understand, that doesn't mean I have them memorized LOL. But they are performance ready.

As an example, 2 weeks ago we did a new secular song.
Power of Love by Huey Lewis and the News
Got the key of the song on Tuesday, Rehearsed it 2-3 times Thursday, played it live that weekend.

Here's a link to it live. Skip to 19:50 for the beginning of the song. I'm on bass.