
How Bout A Warmoth Raffle Guitar!!


Hero Member
Who doesn't like to win prizes??

I was thinking how cool it would be to start a thread in the poll section and have everyone pick a body and neck combo (less then 800 total). then we vote on the best combo. Once the gear is picked out we raffle it off for $10 a ticket limited to 80 tickets. No one is to make any profit on this (except Warmoth of course) but it would be a fun way to get everyone involved in a fun project and the possibillity to get a great guitar at a great price. Of course there will have to be rules drawn up but is anyone interested????

I gotta say, I think that is a GRAND idea! and your right. who DOESN'T like to win prizes, eh?  :icon_thumright:
Not interested...unless everyone decides they should do it with a LEFT handed guitar. :laughing7:
That would work...but then it sounds like we'd just be running a lottery (put in 10 bucks, win 800), which I think most forms of government frown upon.  :(

EDIT: Though, apparently as long as someone is guaranteed to win, then it isn't a lottery as far as gambling regulations are concerned.
That's according to ten seconds of e-research, anyway.
Well everyone can give a $10 dollar donation to the “Build a Better World Through Music” fund. The funds will be used to purchase a Warmoth body and neck. Said body and neck will be then be “donated” to a random contributor of the fund.

In the event that a lefty wins I think it only fair for them to get to choose a body from the show case of equal value. Again no money is to change hands so if there is any left over it will go back evenly to all contributors. There will be absolutly no cash payout.

I just think it would be fun to have everyones input on selecting gear and voting on it. For obvious reasons I can not participate unless an interested party that doesn't want to contribute would like to help handle the finacial side of things.
I'd be into it if someone could figure out the logistics of it and explain how it would work.
exalted said:
Not interested...unless everyone decides they should do it with a LEFT handed guitar. :laughing7:

+1000  :icon_thumright:

(yeah, freakin' oppresive righties!  heheheheeh)
OK so here will be the preliminary thoughts please anyone add as you see fit.

First thing is to search the showcase for that special body and neck you like and post to this thread. Once we get enough choices I will set up a Polls thread and everyone can vote on the one the combo to be raffled. (lefties can submit left handers so there will be a left or a right to choose from)

• Combo can not exceed $800 and of course can be less.
• The number of tickets will be the total price of the gear divided by 10
• Initial ticket says will be limited to 3 per person to make it fair for everyone at that rate we would need 26 people to participate.
• In the event there are tickets left over people may at that point buy more then the allotted 3
• After we choose the gear we set up a new thread that tracks the purchase of tickets. Money can be sent to my paypal account and as soon as the person puts money in would respond to the thread with how many tickets they purchased so everyone would know how many have been sold and how many are left.
• For the drawing we can do it a variety of ways
o Place all names into an excel sheet (you would be listed in the spreadsheet however many times as you have tickets) assign random numbers to each name and then do a vlookup on a cell that would have a random number generated between 1 and 80 and that would return the name of the winner.
o Maybe something like a sports pool so that all involved know what there numbers really are and the outcome is set so everyone knows that it is on the up and up. This feels a little too much like gambling to me but I guess would allow me to participate since I wouldn’t be involved in deciding the outcome.

Of course a little more time has to go into this but this is a quick run down of how I see it playing out. I think it would be fun as hell

Neil Stryker X said:
how bout if the winner got a gift certificate instead?

we can take a vote on that but that kinda takes away the fun of choosing a body and neck. I think it would be more fun to win a body and neck that was choosen by the board members and then pictures posted of the final build....to me just seems a better way to do it, but again the masses can dictate that

$800 was a random number, the thought being that you can get alot of guitar for that price but still have it as such that enough people would want to participate to sale all the tickets...I am sure a full build at $2500 would be really cool but wouldn't get enough people to cover the tickets sales. $800 seemed like a good compromise.

I think this is a great idea.I do like the idea of it being a 800.00 gift certificate better.I would prolly be in regardless.
There isn't much in the showcase that I like. But I'd take anything I guess.

I personally have wanted this for a while:



add this to it:


ocguy106 said:
(lefties can submit left handers so there will be a left or a right to choose from)

That's it as far as the showcase goes. The title is "One for the Lefties!" and they mean that very literally.