
Here's a weird problem..I think


Junior Member
So my 1st build is about a month old...everything working good...Strat  HSS with master tone and Rothstien RD500 mod. But when the p/u selector is on #2 pos (H/MIDDLE) the sound is pathetically weak and thin..useless. The rest of the positions seem to work great . Cause anbody? Bad switch? It's a quality switch but could be bad.
To me, it sounds like a phasing issue between the two pickups selected in that position.
Those pickups are out of phase. Swap the + and - leads for both your middle and neck pickups, that should solve your problem. Guessing the bucker is a different brand than the singles?
All Dimarzio...if I switch the middle and neck leads won't that change to p/u selector?..Neck and Neck/Middle are working perfect.
No, swap the + with - for the neck pickup, then swap + with - for the middle pickup. OR instead, swap the + and - for the bridge pickup. If you have any kind of additional funky switching for the bridge pickup it's more complex though. If this doesn't solve the problem - I'm 90% sure it will - then you've got an actual weird problem.