
Heart attack waiting to happen!

The binding has been scraped and now it is ready for a wash coat of finish and a major change in plans. Jay asked if I could burst it after he saw the yellow dye so that will change the finishing schedule a little. I think the burst is will really enhance the guitar!
For all you first time users of dyes watch the color change of the yellow after it gets some clear on it, always make sure you know what clear will do to your final color.

Here is a shot of the back so we can see how it changes after I get some clear on it and filler added.

Here it is with 2 heavily thinned wash coats. Notice on the BK there is no finish laying on the surface thus no reflection where as the maple, which is harder still has some finish laying on the surface to reflect light. The BK just sucked it up like a sponge, which is what I wanted; now it is sealed and won't suck as much oil out of the filler.

I'm not sure about the burst yet because I'm going to some color boards but we are after a heavily faded tobacco burst.



hannaugh said:
If I ever have the money, I am going to build a Tonar-finished classic-looking LP.

Here's a proper life priorities list. Well, something like that...

1: Precision bass, tonar finish, white.

2: Tonar finished sunburst LP JR

3: Tonar finished double bound telecaster

4: Food, water, shelter.
That looks great as is, but I was thinking I'd love to see it bursted right before I got to that post!  :icon_thumright:

Great job Tonar, I was starting to think I was getting pretty good at finishes, but you humble me.
I got the first coat of filler on the body yesterday and started on the neck today. Since the back on the neck is maple I'm going to do that in a hand rubbed oil finish so the headstock is taped off and ready to shoot.

So excited! Max sent me a Facebook message about how much I'm going to like that finish on the back of the neck :icon_biggrin:
Since the back on the neck is maple I'm going to do that in a hand rubbed oil finish

I'm really considering attempting a faux-French polish*using thinned Tru-Oil and Scotchbrite pads, maybe the gray ones? Said to be triple-O, roughly. I love that glow maple gets when it's been loved - what are you planning? So far, my "plan" consists of rubbing a lot and stink up the joint.

*(Polish! No, French! But, Polish? No-oooo.... fr..fr...)
what are you planning?

I put a movie in, sit down with Klingspor 2000 grit sand paper and sand for the whole movie, which literally polishes maple to glass.  Then I give it several coats of boiled oil rubbing it in with my hand and finally I put it on the polishing arbor to finish it off.

There are a few people around here who have necks finished that way by me.
Tonar8353 said:
There are a few people around here who have necks finished that way by me.

I have two and hoping to have a third soon.  You will love it!!!
If a neck has to have a finish, this is the only way to go.
Next best thing to neeked  :headbang1:

Tonar sent me a couple test bursts on some flamed spalted maple and this is the color I chose. Really excited to see this thing coming together!
