Ok, so I did not take many pics of the creation of the template for the control cavity itself, but I have pics of the control cover and will take pics as I do the recess template and route. I figure that part might be interesting to some of you, since I am creating my own templates here, instead of using generic StewMac templates.
First off, I drilled a small hole through the body as a pilot for the pot. Then I created a template for the control cavity and centered it based on the pilot hole. The creation of this template will be explained later, when I do a similar one for the control cover recess route.
For the control cover, I started with an outline of the inside of the control cavity route on graph paper, and drew my control cover design around it. For the observant; yes, the control cavity shape (Smaller half-circles) is not perfectly rounded. I was lazy sanding the template for that, since it will never be seen.
Once the shape was drawn, I transferred it to MDF with carbon paper.
The MDF was then cut and sanded.
Then I selected a piece of scrap Maple, which I had previously resawn to rough thickness.
The template was attached with double stick tape.
Rough cut with a bandsaw.
The next step was to trim the wood with a table router. I have decided not to post pics of this, as it was admittedly a rather dangerous procedure, since the size of the workpiece forced me to get my fingers closer to the bit than most people are comfortable with. The table router simply cuts the wood, as a bearing follows the shape of the template. This was the end result after routing.
Now for final thicknessing. I used a little jig that I made from MDF and a nail gun, a while back. It works great for thicknessing small pieces of wood like this.
First pass.
Finished cover.
Next, of course, comes the mounting holes and countersinks. I'll snap a quick pic of that when I do it.
Then I need to do the recess template and routing for the control cover. I may do that later tonight.