
guitar/bass of the month question..STATEMENT AND VOTE ENDED....

What should be able to enter....

  • All Warmoth neck and body

    Votes: 19 44.2%
  • Either Warmoth Neck or Body required

    Votes: 21 48.8%
  • Anything Goes

    Votes: 3 7.0%

  • Total voters
Death by Uberschall said:
Here's your rules, simple:

Warmoth/Pro finish must have either a Warmoth body or Warmoth neck as a bare minimum to qualify. And the Warmoth part/s finish is done by Warmoth or another shop.
Owner/Home finish must have either a Warmoth body or Warmoth neck as a bare minimum to qualify. And the Warmoth part/s finish is done by you.

Seems pretty simple to me.  :icon_thumright:


Yeah they seem great rules,
Clear, Precise, Easyyy.
Plus i can enter both with my next two planned builds  :laughing8:
That does seem easy, and this is not a gripe with the outcome of the contests, as it has never been with me.....but rather a rules clarification, a Warmoth finished neck on an owner finished, warmoth or non-warmoth body?  Which category?  As that rule reads, It qualifies for both because the neck gets it in the Warmoth/Pro finish category, the body gets it in the Owner DIY category.

Again, a mix and match half moth with mixed and matched finish is a quandry?
Death by Uberschall said:
Here's your rules, simple:

Warmoth/Pro finish must have either a Warmoth body or Warmoth neck as a bare minimum to qualify. And the Warmoth part/s finish is done by Warmoth or another shop.
Owner/Home finish must have either a Warmoth body or Warmoth neck as a bare minimum to qualify. And the Warmoth part/s finish is done by you.

Seems pretty simple to me.  :icon_thumright:

For the Owner/Home finish, I think maybe the body should be finished by the owner. That way, if you put a tru-oiled neck on Burn Notice, it would still be Warmoth Finished
Hmmm yeah i think something like
The part with the most finish determines which category it is entered into.
or something
Basically, if the bodies warmoth finished or pro, its warmoth/pro
if the bodies own finish then its owner/home finish

Just a thought as the majority of finish is on a body, possibly, as most necks are either raw/oiled,
no paint at times.
DMRACO said:
Seriously????   I started this just to have some fun and show some really nice builds.  The rules were SOOOOO simple....WARMOTH/PRO finish month, and a HOME Grown/Owners finish month.  We had over one full year...no one bitched.  I personally have entered 4 different guitars...I won once.  Am I mad...no.  I was just as happy to see the other great builds recognized.  We even got a logo one the homepage!!!!

I tell everyone what...I spend a lot of time watching the posts, cut and pasting photos, and sticking to timeframes to keep everyone happy.  But I am growing tired of the "big debate."

So here it goes...the contest will continue as-is...or until some genius can write rules that EVERYONE agrees with.  If for some reason you do like my contest or feel it is fixed or childish...PLEASE DO NOT ENTER OR POST TO THE THREAD.

I am sorry if I offended anyone.  99% of the folks here have been great and even understood when I by accident posted their photo sideways or ever mis-placed a link.  So please..those interested...let keep it going and have a great time doing it.

Just a note from one of the admins here.  I think DMRACO has done a great job with the GOTM.  I appreciate and respect the time he puts in to GOTM.  :icon_thumright:  We bounced the rules off each other a bit and I'm comfortable with the contest as-is.  No need to endlessly pick at nits...
Wyliee said:
DMRACO said:
Seriously????   I started this just to have some fun and show some really nice builds.  The rules were SOOOOO simple....WARMOTH/PRO finish month, and a HOME Grown/Owners finish month.  We had over one full year...no one bitched.  I personally have entered 4 different guitars...I won once.  Am I mad...no.  I was just as happy to see the other great builds recognized.  We even got a logo one the homepage!!!!

I tell everyone what...I spend a lot of time watching the posts, cut and pasting photos, and sticking to timeframes to keep everyone happy.  But I am growing tired of the "big debate."

So here it goes...the contest will continue as-is...or until some genius can write rules that EVERYONE agrees with.  If for some reason you do like my contest or feel it is fixed or childish...PLEASE DO NOT ENTER OR POST TO THE THREAD.

I am sorry if I offended anyone.  99% of the folks here have been great and even understood when I by accident posted their photo sideways or ever mis-placed a link.  So please..those interested...let keep it going and have a great time doing it.

Just a note from one of the admins here.  I think DMRACO has done a great job with the GOTM.  I appreciate and respect the time he puts in to GOTM.  :icon_thumright:  We bounced the rules off each other a bit and I'm comfortable with the contest as-is.  No need to endlessly pick at nits...
This times the US National Debt
I think there is a silent majority here who is perfectly happy with the way GOTM has been run. I'd like to say thanks to DMRACO for all the work he has put into it. I haven't entered any of my builds, but I've enjoyed checking out all the guitars and voting for my favorite. I do plan on entering my next build, so let's keep it going!  :laughing7:
DMRACO said:
So here it goes...the contest will continue as-is...or until some genius can write rules that EVERYONE agrees with.  If for some reason you do like my contest or feel it is fixed or childish...PLEASE DO NOT ENTER OR POST TO THE THREAD.

Cheers to you DMARCO!  I think you're doing a great job and the contest is a wonderful thing.  Don't let those negative vibes get to you.

There are some great guitars out there and this is a great way to show them off.

Death by Uberschall said:
Wyliee said:
DMRACO said:
Seriously????   I started this just to have some fun and show some really nice builds.  The rules were SOOOOO simple....WARMOTH/PRO finish month, and a HOME Grown/Owners finish month.  We had over one full year...no one bitched.  I personally have entered 4 different guitars...I won once.  Am I mad...no.  I was just as happy to see the other great builds recognized.  We even got a logo one the homepage!!!!

I tell everyone what...I spend a lot of time watching the posts, cut and pasting photos, and sticking to timeframes to keep everyone happy.  But I am growing tired of the "big debate."

So here it goes...the contest will continue as-is...or until some genius can write rules that EVERYONE agrees with.  If for some reason you do like my contest or feel it is fixed or childish...PLEASE DO NOT ENTER OR POST TO THE THREAD.

I am sorry if I offended anyone.  99% of the folks here have been great and even understood when I by accident posted their photo sideways or ever mis-placed a link.  So please..those interested...let keep it going and have a great time doing it.

Just a note from one of the admins here.  I think DMRACO has done a great job with the GOTM.  I appreciate and respect the time he puts in to GOTM.  :icon_thumright:  We bounced the rules off each other a bit and I'm comfortable with the contest as-is.  No need to endlessly pick at nits...
This times the US National Debt
+ 1 more.... :icon_biggrin:
This is why I gave up on the official $100 build contest, why the Soundtrack only happened once... I love you guys, but this forum is devoted to rules as much as / more than the guitars. Build a $100 guitar, vote for the coolest guitar.. I don't know why it ever had to be complicated in the first place.
We interrupt your normally scheduled programming for this public service announcement.

The GOTM is supposed to be nothing more than a family of guitar enthusiast giving props to their favorite builds of that time period. Yes the consensus is that some things will pull more votes and we all know what they are. So if your going to do a build outside of those things, you better execute it very well, just like Jaylene did with his Jazzmaster.

This forum used to be easy going and fun, but something has happened as of late, it's gotten not so fun anymore.

Another thing that gets me the most lately is the site's lack of a sense of humor. It's the interweb people!!!

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.  :icon_jokercolor:
I don't know, the forum still seems to be a lot of fun. We have good knowledgable people on here, lively discussion, the GOTM contest, the Warmoth Jams etc. It's A LOT more fun & easy going than a great deal of the other forums out there.

I know some people bitch about not winning the contest or not being able to enter any brand guitar etc, but that's their hang up. That kind of attitude would make any forum less fun.

I for one LOVE this place.  :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:
So what won?  I can't see the results because I didn't vote (I was out playing my Warmoth and Half-'moth all weekend.

AprioriMark said:
So what won?  I can't see the results because I didn't vote (I was out playing my Warmoth and Half-'moth all weekend.


at least a neck or body to enter. but only by 2 votes. but i definitely agree with the results
i just think rules need to be set out for guide lines. @ KG $100 can be seen in many ways, we all have hardware lying around so do we use it as "free?" then where are lines drawn? looking back i get the spirit of the contest and shouldn't have asked about using my existing neck. assuming you have nothing to start with it's about what you can do with $100. i wont have time to do a build anyway, so it doesn't really matter, but i want to do a parts caster with that neck but for the contest i should have planned to do a home grown or aquired another on ebay just for the spirit of the contest.

as far as guitar of the month i dont care if we get rid of categories all together. and i dont care if you enter a stock fender that you added a rio grande humbucker to purchased from warmoth. it's about what the rest of the board likes and stock fender colors and woods are somewhat popular. but no gotm wins without originality so really if you want to showcase your mod-caster with few warmoth parts that's fine in my eyes you just probably wont win that's all.
I think (hope) the reason why a number of is put some time and thought into discussing the rules is precisely to avoid the 'I didn't win so it wasn't fair' tantrums that pop up after each and every fun event. I think dmraco is doing a great job and if having clearer rules can help avoid the unfair ciriticism and insinuations I'm all for it. But being mature persons, we should be able to discuss this sort of thing without knives and pistols being drawn.
ByteFrenzy said:
I think (hope) the reason why a number of is put some time and thought into discussing the rules is precisely to avoid the 'I didn't win so it wasn't fair' tantrums that pop up after each and every fun event. I think dmraco is doing a great job and if having clearer rules can help avoid the unfair ciriticism and insinuations I'm all for it. But being mature persons, we should be able to discuss this sort of thing without knives and pistols being drawn.

How about axes?

ByteFrenzy said:
But being mature persons, we should be able to discuss this sort of thing without knives and pistols being drawn.

Luke, I completely forgot about our duel, and I'm busy for all of the other dawns until mid-November. Let's just call it a draw.

Okay, we'll call it a tie.

As other people have said, let's just have a bit more fun. There's a reason I don't plan my parties out on a strict timeline. Loosen up, sit back, enjoy the show, and let's not argue and bicker about 'ou killed 'ou.