
guitar/bass of the month question..STATEMENT AND VOTE ENDED....

What should be able to enter....

  • All Warmoth neck and body

    Votes: 19 44.2%
  • Either Warmoth Neck or Body required

    Votes: 21 48.8%
  • Anything Goes

    Votes: 3 7.0%

  • Total voters
pabloman said:
Black Dog said:
I voted  Warmoth neck OR body...
Mainly because an entire Warmoth requirement would eliminate those that have the skills and/or equipment to build from scratch.
I would not want that talent to be banned from the contest!

+1...............Otherwise it's just a showcase for people to show off their neck installation abilities. " Look at what Tonar made, I bought it so now I'm cooler than everybody else and I'm going to enter a contest to prove it. I should win because my custom build body was more expensive than your showcase body"...............That's kinda the impression that this leaves. Warmoth is a parts company so parts should be good enough to get you in. Somewhere I saw something posted about a cell phone. It went along the lines of " I'm not impressed you bought it you didn't build it." That's how I feel about the Warmoth finished criteria. Regardless if they ship it to your house or not that's still tonar or whoever else's guitar. He's making threads to prove it. It's like tonar is puttin out sex tapes with your lady and you're watchin them before you even get your hands on her. I understand that these guitars are your pride and joy and you are proud of them and you should be, they are great but It doesn't make sense to post pics and have a contest full of some stuff you bought on a retail website and you had supposedly customized according to a predetermined list of options. To me a home made plywood hacksawed spray painted guitar should win everytime compared to a point and click masterpiece. Especially on a build your own guitar themed forum. That's my opinion anyway. :rock-on:

Personally, Pablo, I've but loads of time and effort into my tonarcaster.
In fact, it's not really stock, either. I've been looking for 8 months to make sure everything on this guitar is exactly how I want it. Sure, I didn't cut the body out by hand, but I'm still putting a ton of time, money, and effort into it. Honestly, I'd put another 4 months into it for it to be just right. Sometimes, we don't have the tools or space to fabricate bodies at our own house, or the experience to give the guitar a paint job that it deserves. Trust me, if I had the equipment (which I hope to have when I get my own house, a steady job for a few years, and a workspace), I'd be making new guitar bodies all the time.

I respect your views, and respectfully disagree  :)

*Seeing your new post, so am I :P
AHHHHH.................once again Max displays his youthful wisdom. :occasion14:  Anyway yes people are taking this seriously. This is a form of validation and appreciation for all their hard work and creativity. Being told your pride and joy doesn't qualify to be judged doesn't sit well. If you are do not take this serious then why compete or even voice your opinion on something that doesn't matter to you. Maybe you could take your indifference to another thread where it fits, or just contribute to the thread at hand.
I went for the 'neck OR body' option. I also believe the number one function of GOTM is to showcase a bunch of beautiful guitars and basses in one post. I would like to keep as much variation as possible in there, so I want the custom built bodies to be able to compete as well. I also would like to remain aware that at the root W is providing replacement necks and bodies for original Fender instruments. I dont see how you could possibly consider excluding a guitar with a W neck on a Fender or Squier body. And finally, as far as the owner finish vs W/pro finish debate goes, building a pro finished guitar that will score well goes far past 'screwing a neck to a body'. If you follow the poll you will see that in order to score high marks, it's not just a matter of pairing an expensive neck with an expensive body and slapping on the gaudiest parts that money can buy. what determines to a high degree if a guitar will score well, is how well everything works together towards making the whole. That means heaps of planning, thinking, research, drawing or photoshopping. Since we are a 'W' forum I do think some part Warmoth should be involved. If one of us builds a fiddle from a piece of scrap wood I enjoy reading the story and seeing the pictures on this board, but I think it should not be eligible to compete in GOTM

Whether you put a W neck on a Squier body, build your own body from scratch, do your own finishing or assemble a complete guitar from W finished parts, the result can be gorgeous or impossibly Frankensteinesque. GOTM is a reward for the former and should do it in all these cases.

Just my opinion of course.
pabloman said:
If you are do not take this serious then why compete or even voice your opinion on something that doesn't matter to you. Maybe you could take your indifference to another thread where it fits, or just contribute to the thread at hand.

There a difference in taking it serious or taking it too serious. Although I love to peruse the many fine builds it is still all fun and recreation to me. And please don't tell me what to do. I got my way of voicing my opinion you got yours. Let's keep it that way.
SustainerPlayer said:
pabloman said:
If you are do not take this serious then why compete or even voice your opinion on something that doesn't matter to you. Maybe you could take your indifference to another thread where it fits, or just contribute to the thread at hand.

There a difference in taking it serious or taking it too serious. Although I love to peruse the many fine builds it is still all fun and recreation to me. And please don't tell me what to do. I got my way of voicing my opinion you got yours. Let's keep it that way.

Thanks for your retort. I just figured out where I saw the quip about the cell phone :occasion14: I'm glad you realize that it all really is just a matter of opinion and that we each have our own. The people that you think are taking it too seriously might not feel they are, so maybe you should respect their opinion just as you would like yours to be. So what I was getting at is instead of just chiming in with criticism of fellow forum members voicing their opinions in their own way, offer something tangible to the discussion. I apologize if it seemed like I was giving you an order. If you go back and read it you will see it was more of a suggestion.
Finch said:
It'll be interesting to see how this turns out, i've pretty much decided im done entering guitars anyways, seems like the contest is decided before its ever started, and I wasnt a fan of pointless popularity contests in high school. And thats all I really got to say about that.

Good. More room for me. And if it's so pointless, why are you being such a crybaby about it? Did you enter something and not win? Poor thing. Lotsa people don't win. I entered the best guitar on the planet one month and didn't win. You don't see me pissing in everybody's cornflakes. Sack up.
I chose either/or. But, I don't really care if a neither gets entered. I don't see a chance in hell of it winning, but if someone wants to enter their Saga or Squier or whatever, so be it.

I'm also on a Ducati forum or two and if they had Bike of the Month contests, I really don't see someone with a Yamaha winning. It's a Ducati forum. Why would anyone vote for a Yamaha? Not to say Yamaha's are bad, and on a different forum it may well clean house, but... it's a specific forum for a specific brand. As such, well, YEAH, there's going to be favoritism/bias etc. Is anyone really shocked by that? This is a Warmoth forum. I'm guessing most people are going to vote for something with Warmoth content?

So... actually I should have voted for anything goes. Oops.

All that said, there are apparently only seven people here who have a clue what a nice guitar looks like anyway. At least I think that's how many votes my Strat got?    :icon_jokercolor:
Death by Uberschall said:
JaySwear said:
Death by Uberschall said:
I don't think the outcome is predetermined. I've seen many guitars win that I didn't vote for. Some winners have surprised me.  

i agree. the last couple winners have been relatively new to the board, while some of the guitars who received only a few votes were from members who had been around a long time. seems like it's a pretty fair guitar beauty contest, really.
Yep. A good example is Jaylene's Jazzmaster. Not a highly figured top, not a fancy dye or burst top, not hot-rodded, no exotic neck, no exotic fret board, plain vintage color, etc. Just a well executed build.

I think a lot of this contest and forum is to highlight everyones ability, from finishing, to assembly, as well as their taste and vision.

Take this month winner for example...a different color selection in hardware or pickguard would really change the looks of the guitar.  Also pairing different woods/finishishes and styles is what its all about...THAT IS WHAT THE VOTE IS ALL ABOUT!

And to the point of the forum being here to help....it STILL IS!!!  I come here for help all the time and I have completed 5 builds!  I am always learning something new!  Hell...I bet I have e-mailed 3 different members of the forum on how I completed my LPS finish....an even one other lurker how was not a member.

Bottom line it this is one of the BEST boards I have ever been a part of with a lot of quality people.  Let keep it that way.
DMRACO said:
I think a lot of this contest and forum is to highlight everyones ability, from finishing, to assembly, as well as their taste and vision.

That's a lot of it. I mean, most of us are just assembling parts others have fabricated in such a way as to make the component parts simultaneously practical and attractive as a whole. For those people, and I include myself among them, all they can take credit for is a sense of style and a certain amount of pragmatism. The vast majority of the work has already been done by others who rarely get any credit. We take credit fo a lot that we don't deserve, really.

Case in point - one of my brother's friends was here yesterday and my brother wanted to show him what we'd been working on over the past few months. So we went down to the basement to see the various guitars, cabinets, heads, etc. I've got in progress. My favorite piece is a Warmoth body/neck combo that's just glorious and when this guy saw it he said "Damn! That's gorgeous! Where did you learn how to do finishes like that?" Oh. Ummm... I didn't finish it. "So... you sent it out?" No... ummm... you can buy these things this way. "So... you cut the body out of what? then had it done?" Umm.... no... I just bought the body and the neck and bolted them together. Now STFU!
Finch said:
eh, everybody is inclined to their opinion and its not my place to change that, and I already know my two cents worth aint worth nothing. The whole discussion on this subject is just really discouraging. It reeks of elitism and it was my impression that this board existed to help people. So I'll just go back to my lurking and yall can do what yall want.

Sorry to hear the GOTM contest put such a bad taste in your mouth Finch. My experience has been great. Although I didn't win either of the 2 owner finished months that I entered so far, I did get to showoff my build and got a lot of compliments and feedback on it. I thought you did on your entries as well. In the end its all about having fun and voting on which guitar/bass you think stands out above the rest...hell, i didnt even vote for my own entry the last time i entered. I guess I tend to be a glass is half full kinda guy...

I vote that either neck or body should be from warmoth, no reason to exile home built bodies...
Whoever said it's a popularity contest is right.  The most popular build, by votes, wins.  If anyone thinks the contest is predetermined, then that is a slight at DMRACO and very uncalled for.  I don't ever recall anyone claiming that their vote went to another unintended entry.  If this comes to, "It's a popularity contest and rigged because I never win," then grow up.  That attitude is very HS.  
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Whoever said it's a popularity contest is right.  The most popular build, by votes, wins.  If anyone thinks the contest is predetermined, then that is a slight at DMRACO and very uncalled for.  I don't ever recall anyone claiming that their vote went to another unintended entry.  If this comes to, "It's a popularity contest and rigged because I never win," then grow up.  That attitude is very HS.  

thx... :rock-on:
So when is the voting for this gonna end? I know this started as a way to show appreciation for some great builds from some great people. It just seems silly to place restrictions on entries without really having a set of CLEARLY defined rules. Obviously this contest means alot to people so it should be a little more organized before it loses it's integrity. There seems to be people out there striving for this accolaid and I say more power to them. There are alot of people out there that don't have many outlets for their creations so they turn to the internet forums. This one is obviously the premier sight so of course winning this contest is something to be proud of. Warmoth is a parts company so comparing this to a Ducatti contest on a Ducatti forum Or a Gibson or Fender contest on their respective forums is just dumb. If the contest is opened up to a W body or neck owner or pro finished that would make it fair for everyone. The all W guys could enter and so could the guys that want to finish their own. It doesn't seem like anyone has voted for a few days. Something needs to be done because this is going down in flames.
Seriously????   I started this just to have some fun and show some really nice builds.  The rules were SOOOOO simple....WARMOTH/PRO finish month, and a HOME Grown/Owners finish month.  We had over one full year...no one bitched.  I personally have entered 4 different guitars...I won once.  Am I mad...no.  I was just as happy to see the other great builds recognized.  We even got a logo one the homepage!!!!

I tell everyone what...I spend a lot of time watching the posts, cut and pasting photos, and sticking to timeframes to keep everyone happy.  But I am growing tired of the "big debate."

So here it goes...the contest will continue as-is...or until some genius can write rules that EVERYONE agrees with.  If for some reason you do like my contest or feel it is fixed or childish...PLEASE DO NOT ENTER OR POST TO THE THREAD.

I am sorry if I offended anyone.  99% of the folks here have been great and even understood when I by accident posted their photo sideways or ever mis-placed a link.  So please..those interested...let keep it going and have a great time doing it.
Thanks Dave!
I enjoy participating, voting and watching the guitarporn every month!!
Thanks for all the work!!
DMRACO said:
Seriously????   I started this just to have some fun and show some really nice builds.  The rules were SOOOOO simple....WARMOTH/PRO finish month, and a HOME Grown/Owners finish month.  We had over one full year...no one bitched.  I personally have entered 4 different guitars...I won once.  Am I mad...no.  I was just as happy to see the other great builds recognized.  We even got a logo one the homepage!!!!

I tell everyone what...I spend a lot of time watching the posts, cut and pasting photos, and sticking to timeframes to keep everyone happy.  But I am growing tired of the "big debate."

So here it goes...the contest will continue as-is...or until some genius can write rules that EVERYONE agrees with.  If for some reason you do like my contest or feel it is fixed or childish...PLEASE DO NOT ENTER OR POST TO THE THREAD.

I am sorry if I offended anyone.  99% of the folks here have been great and even understood when I by accident posted their photo sideways or ever mis-placed a link.  So please..those interested...let keep it going and have a great time doing it.

sure man. many of us, of the 'hard core old(er) school' Unofficial warmoth board, appreciate all your work regarding this poll, and the bitching, is just not neccasary, or any fun at all. the rules are clear. one month its about your own capability regarding finishing and (wood)work, the other its about how you envision a guitar to be, how the details of your guitar can make the instrument work. to put it on other words: its about the 'art of the guitar'.

and if people don't like it? just stfu! I do, and I would hate to see this board and poll go to waste because some people can't be grownups about this.

c'mon, its all in good fun, right?
Here's your rules, simple:

Warmoth/Pro finish must have either a Warmoth body or Warmoth neck as a bare minimum to qualify. And the Warmoth part/s finish is done by Warmoth or another shop.
Owner/Home finish must have either a Warmoth body or Warmoth neck as a bare minimum to qualify. And the Warmoth part/s finish is done by you.

Seems pretty simple to me.  :icon_thumright: