Here's a quick update.
First photo is a pic of my little bitty workbench. Yes, I'm in an apartment so it's fun waiting for the weekend afternoons to turn on the nice and loud power tools.
Anyway, so I took a trip to Harbor Freight to get a couple clamps, but they had a nice sale going on and they had their trim router on sale for 30 bucks. Grabbed that and a roundover bit and now the guitars have a nice 1/4" rounded edge. Later on I'll buy a better bit since this is a harbor freight product after all and I don't expect it to last a long time.
The neck pocket and edges of the carve were done with a rasp and file. Did the neck pocket by hand since HF didn't have any flush cut bits, didn't mind at all since I have a love for working wood by hand...wait... For the neck I just installed an old squire strat neck into it and drew a line in pencil and filed down as close as possible and did a test fit again and it's a little bitch of a ledge but it's nothing that would hamper my playing down.
Now I'm just waiting on the couple of JE Moser stains and Timbermate to come in and I'm getting close to finishing this body up.
First photo is a pic of my little bitty workbench. Yes, I'm in an apartment so it's fun waiting for the weekend afternoons to turn on the nice and loud power tools.
Anyway, so I took a trip to Harbor Freight to get a couple clamps, but they had a nice sale going on and they had their trim router on sale for 30 bucks. Grabbed that and a roundover bit and now the guitars have a nice 1/4" rounded edge. Later on I'll buy a better bit since this is a harbor freight product after all and I don't expect it to last a long time.
The neck pocket and edges of the carve were done with a rasp and file. Did the neck pocket by hand since HF didn't have any flush cut bits, didn't mind at all since I have a love for working wood by hand...wait... For the neck I just installed an old squire strat neck into it and drew a line in pencil and filed down as close as possible and did a test fit again and it's a little bitch of a ledge but it's nothing that would hamper my playing down.
Now I'm just waiting on the couple of JE Moser stains and Timbermate to come in and I'm getting close to finishing this body up.