Depends on the spec you want, the feel you like and whether you take the time to sort through guitars or if you want to just buy something online and hope for the best.
If you buy a Gibson blind then you're asking for disappointment; the neck profiles, the weight, the tone, everything is different from unit to unit, even within a single model line. That's the nature of guitars that are finished off by hand and simultaneously produced in large numbers but also to a high minimum quality. With the Custom Shop guitars it's even more of a gamble. There is no such thing as an outright bad Gibson, but any given collection of Gibson guitars is going to vary far, far more than a similar number of guitars from any other manufacturer, and that is a problem in the current market where most people are buying guitars online, without having ever seen the instrument in person, and are expecting it to perfectly fit them from the moment they open the box. So yes, your Agile will be better than any Gibson LP Custom, if you're not putting in the time to find a Gibson that fits you. If you do have the time and the money, the Gibson that fits you will absolutely blow away the Agile, or any other MIK, similar guitar.
Same goes for a Custom Shop Fender, a PRS, or whatever else along those lines.
And that comes from somebody who has bought and then sold three Gibson Custom Shop guitars because he kept going back to his MIK Epiphone LP. And my most-desired, most sought-after guitar is an old MIK Fender model. And when I was starting a guitar line of my own, the first factories I wanted to talk to were the Korean ones. I know what's capable of coming out of Korea. I know how good those guitars are. And yet, for me, the very top Gibsons and Fenders are still miles ahead.
The fit of any given guitar is wholly subjective to your hands and ears and whatever is perfect for you will not be perfect for anybody else on the planet. Monetary value is entirely subjective to you and your priorities and financial capabilities and opportunities. For every person who thinks a top-end Gibson, Fender or PRS instrument is too expensive and not made well enough there is another who thinks they're bargains and irreplaceable. For every person here who thinks Warmoth produces better parts than the Fender Custom Shop can and believes their Warmoth builds are twice the guitar a Fender is for half the price, there is somebody else who will tell you Warmoth is cheaply-made, quickly CNC'd generic rubbish and no build will ever touch an MIA Fender or a Custom Shop Fender or whatever.
(And, full disclosure: Personally, I do think the Fender Custom Shop is overpriced and stupidly limited, and my main three guitars are a Korean-made Epiphone, a production Gibson and a Warmoth build. The Gibson was the cheapest of the three, by the way. New.)
(And, just to keep this going: Epiphone Elitist and Japanese ESPs make this whole thing redundant.)